Why? I'm assuming the axe is pretty good, so I might even burn a ton of saved energy for it given that I can carry 4 units (wish I had one 75%/100% though). I'm guessing you're saying this because it's an awesome axe that's not a TMR, right?
Finished Blade Mastery and Genji Glove #2... slotted BM on my Noctis (731 atk, finally less pleb), and put the gloves on my CoD (for now). COD needs a better weapon than thorned mace, but w/e. My Katana selection for Chiz is shit-tier since Noctis and Greg are using Chirj/Masamune (and my Sakurafubuki isn't done yet).
I slotted two Xaios to speed farm one of her fists (I might even repeat it to get another one since I've got 6 copies)... but I'm wondering what would be best. Any recommendations?
Current TMR farming setup is Maxwell, Gaff, Xaio x2, Miyuki. I could swap in Agrias, Locke, Mercedes, Arc, Sazh, Snow, Ludmille (for DC #2), Kefka, Chiz #2, Celes, Zidane #2, or Cecil #2. I'm sure I'm missing some others but I didn't get any Karls.