Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster Series


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<Gold Donor>
Ok, I stand by my original statements, but I now understand why everyone was laughing at me.

First time in the final dungeon, around level 50 and it was an absolute brutal slog. Burned through all my potions and skills, finally got all the special weapons and attempt boss. Died 3-4 times, now around 58-62.

Complain on FoH

Crawl my way back out of the dungeon(on purpose to try and xp) go back to earth, replenish all my missing potions. Start dungeon over, now around 63-65. Literally fight my way back up to the floor which has the save point. I now have 99 cabins and it is my intent to farm that floor using cabins as needed until I feel comfortable to try boss again. However this time, on my way back to that spot I could literally do auto-mode with normal attacks and only heal every 5ish fights. Completely different than my first experience!

  • Can completely farm for near infinity with only auto-attack
  • Status effects barely ever land
  • Behemoth's counter physical attack previously did 700+ now does maybe 250
  • Every level after 70 starts giving me more than 1 point in each stat, making me significantly stronger
  • Go back up to boss, win on first attempt.....can literally heal everyone to full with 1 cast of the high level cure from rosa Everyone else just attacks
  • Used 2 of the 99 cabins I bought

Sigh. It seems i was just drastically underleveled/geared for the content. The entire farming process above took maybe 2-3 hours, so not terrible.

Go to Settings and make sure battles are set on Wait rather than Active. That'll stop things while you choose commands, so you don't have bosses wailing on you 3-4 times while you look for an item or spell.

Setting the combat speed can also make a difference, but the time that it affects only goes by when you're out-of-menu with Wait on anyway. So if you hesitate before choosing a command, an enemy might get an extra turn in if the battle speed is cranked up.

I kept battle speed either on the highest or the second-highest in most of these games, went third-highest for FF4 3D 'cuz it's hard.

Turning the battle speed all the way down (whatever the lowest speed is, 6?) is basically an easy mode of sorts cause the bosses will take ages to move (but so will your characters).

And yeah, FF4 enemies are way too counter-heavy and it's obnoxious. Got pretty sick of Behemoths and all their shit.


Blackwing Lair Raider
so ff4 done! I did love the game and the sorry was awesome. Once I was appropriate level it did play like the other 3(ff1-3). Being underleveled in ff4 is brutal though. Absolutely amazing what a difference 5 levels makes. I literally went from having 3k no, fighting final boss who’s big bang did around 3k, instagibbing at least 1 member of my party and taking the others to near death. And my biggest heal being unable to restore people before the next one whether I single cast and used elixirs or group cast. To leveling 10 more levels and having 4k hp And the same spell hit me for 1.5k which I can group heal in a single cast
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
The only thing that's hard in Pixel Remaster are Cloud of Darkness and Zeromus spamming Particle Beam/Big Bang and I was around lv50 in FF4.

I don't remember counter attacks at all unless it's a Lightning Whelk or Guard Scorpion, feels like you are doing something wrong.

I can confirm that FF4 mobs are extremely counter-heavy. Depends on what version you're playing though, some versions they're not.

so ff4 done! I did love the game and the sorry was awesome. Once I was appropriate level it did play like the other 3(ff1-3). Being underleveled in ff4 is brutal though. Absolutely amazing what a difference 5 levels makes. I literally went from having 3k no, fighting final boss who’s big bang did around 3k, instagibbing at least 1 member of my party and taking the others to near death. And my biggest heal being unable to restore people before the next one whether I single cast and used elixirs or group cast. To leveling 10 more levels and having 4k hp And the same spell hit me for 1.5k which I can group heal in a single cast

Yeah levels make all the difference in these early RPGs. I remember struggling with things like 7th Saga on the SNES back in the day until I slowed it down and stopped trying to plow onward like a regular game.

Rydia's HP is probably the biggest problem with the lategame, Zeromus and Big Bang tend to instagib her even if levels are good. In the PR or 3D versions you can buy 99 Sirens and go to the last area of Mount Ordeals and farm Silver Apples pretty fast to boost her HP up to respectability, but it isn't necessary or anything.


FF14 Free Company Master
<WoW Guild Officer>
I can confirm that FF4 mobs are extremely counter-heavy. Depends on what version you're playing though, some versions they're not.

Yeah levels make all the difference in these early RPGs. I remember struggling with things like 7th Saga on the SNES back in the day until I slowed it down and stopped trying to plow onward like a regular game.

Rydia's HP is probably the biggest problem with the lategame, Zeromus and Big Bang tend to instagib her even if levels are good. In the PR or 3D versions you can buy 99 Sirens and go to the last area of Mount Ordeals and farm Silver Apples pretty fast to boost her HP up to respectability, but it isn't necessary or anything.

They screwed up the English port of 7th saga - it wasn't meant to be that hard. They set the player stat gains to lower than normal so the game got harder and harder the further along you went. Could have been an accident, some people say it was on purpose to stymie game rentals. I ground the hell out of that game as a kid and I beat it but it was hard as balls.

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
The problem was the apprentices you fought did not get the same stat reduction, but if you recruited your partner later in the game they came with the full Elnard stats. So your main character was essentially the sidekick unless you used game genie to fix it.


Potato del Grande
I could only beat 7th saga playing as either the iron dude or the demon dude with the fire magic. Good game but hard as shit unless you get like 5+ levels in each area.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
They screwed up the English port of 7th saga - it wasn't meant to be that hard. They set the player stat gains to lower than normal so the game got harder and harder the further along you went. Could have been an accident, some people say it was on purpose to stymie game rentals. I ground the hell out of that game as a kid and I beat it but it was hard as balls.

Doing it to stymie game rentals makes a lot of sense, some games did weird stuff like that back then.

Personally I rented it a couple times. 7th Saga and Secret of Mana were the first RPGs I ever rented/played really, and both of them kicked my ass. Tried both again at later times and did a lot better. SoM I was felled by the Fire Gigas (didn't understand the wonders of spamming Freeze) and 7th Saga I got as far as... Red Pison I think? Maybe Green Pison if he's fairly early. I think it was Green Pison, but it was like barely a couple hours into the game so it was probably Red Pison. Played as Kamil and Lux on the first go.

Later I emulated it and actually had the patience to sufficiently level up, so I pretty much blew through the game with Esuna and...the dwarf, I think? I heard Lejes (demon necro guy) was pretty OP but never got to check him out.

Yeah it does get tough later on for sure but nothing more grinding won't fix. The apprentice fights are the toughest parts. Weird how Esuna is the game's sorcerer character and yet her strongest attack spell is like Ice 2 from level 12 or so. Like they just sorta stopped updating spells after a while.

Probably the one SNES RPG that actually had a harder US version than Japanese version.

Another really good SNES RPG that was hard and required a lot of leveling was Paladin's Quest. Hoo boy, that game is balls to the wall, and has a super interesting and unique setting. If you ever want to challenge yourself, pull up a ROM of Paladin's Quest. It's pretty weird at first and it grows on you. The second half of the story is particularly good but I like the whole thing. I think some of the 7th Saga devs worked on it.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Doing it to stymie game rentals makes a lot of sense, some games did weird stuff like that back then.

Personally I rented it a couple times. 7th Saga and Secret of Mana were the first RPGs I ever rented/played really, and both of them kicked my ass. Tried both again at later times and did a lot better. SoM I was felled by the Fire Gigas (didn't understand the wonders of spamming Freeze) and 7th Saga I got as far as... Red Pison I think? Maybe Green Pison if he's fairly early. I think it was Green Pison, but it was like barely a couple hours into the game so it was probably Red Pison. Played as Kamil and Lux on the first go.

Later I emulated it and actually had the patience to sufficiently level up, so I pretty much blew through the game with Esuna and...the dwarf, I think? I heard Lejes (demon necro guy) was pretty OP but never got to check him out.

Yeah it does get tough later on for sure but nothing more grinding won't fix. The apprentice fights are the toughest parts. Weird how Esuna is the game's sorcerer character and yet her strongest attack spell is like Ice 2 from level 12 or so. Like they just sorta stopped updating spells after a while.

Probably the one SNES RPG that actually had a harder US version than Japanese version.

Another really good SNES RPG that was hard and required a lot of leveling was Paladin's Quest. Hoo boy, that game is balls to the wall, and has a super interesting and unique setting. If you ever want to challenge yourself, pull up a ROM of Paladin's Quest. It's pretty weird at first and it grows on you. The second half of the story is particularly good but I like the whole thing. I think some of the 7th Saga devs worked on it.

Paladins quest was another good one that kinda flew under the radar due to the setting, but I agree that it grows on you. I wouldn't say its as grindy as 7th Saga unless you're a completionist and want to max all your spells.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Started FF5! No idea what I am doing but I already love it because we are back to an independent job system and every mob in the starter zone doesn't frog or blind me!

I'm rocked a knight(so-so), thief(for the view secret tunnel shit), monk(zomg OP even at level 10 lol), and swapping around mages(blue/white/black) until I know what I like.


  • If I am *actively* a class, say Thief, do I get shit like the view secret passages so I can give them a secondary skill and still see? I suppose I can test this but thought I would confirm if it works for all skills. Do you always get all skills of the current job?
  • Easy to max them all? Seems so at first glance but I'm only level 10. Should I focus or wide-spread?
  • Anything else I should know?

While I did cry like a bitch during FF IV, it's clear I was massively underleveled as I went from dying 4-5 times using every single thing in my inventory and spellbook to winning on the first try with attack and Curaja(or whatever the top one is) after I leveled 10 more levels. What a wake up call that was. Still can't fathom what a difference that made.


Potato del Grande
Started FF5! No idea what I am doing but I already love it because we are back to an independent job system and every mob in the starter zone doesn't frog or blind me!

I'm rocked a knight(so-so), thief(for the view secret tunnel shit), monk(zomg OP even at level 10 lol), and swapping around mages(blue/white/black) until I know what I like.


  • If I am *actively* a class, say Thief, do I get shit like the view secret passages so I can give them a secondary skill and still see? I suppose I can test this but thought I would confirm if it works for all skills. Do you always get all skills of the current job?
  • Easy to max them all? Seems so at first glance but I'm only level 10. Should I focus or wide-spread?
  • Anything else I should know?

While I did cry like a bitch during FF IV, it's clear I was massively underleveled as I went from dying 4-5 times using every single thing in my inventory and spellbook to winning on the first try with attack and Curaja(or whatever the top one is) after I leveled 10 more levels. What a wake up call that was. Still can't fathom what a difference that made.
When you are a specific job, you get all the passive abilities + a main one like steal then you set a second skill from any job you learned skills from.

Maxing all jobs just takes time since some jobs take a lot more ABP than others. But if you want to learn all the Blue skills you will need to look up a guide.

Magic is shared by everyone so no need to buy multiple of the same spells. Also Blue skills are shared by everyone so you really just need one person with !Learning but some skills will be hard to get unless you have multiple with !Learning on.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Screenshot_20230623_165033_Samsung Internet.jpg

Saw this today and realized I didn't even know Crystal Chronicles had a sequel (if that's what this is). Checked and it's on my homebrew 3DS so that's cool. This worth playing though? DS games can be pretty spotty. I've got Crystal Chronicles HD on the PS4, hopefully that's good enough with my FF completionism and I can safely leave this one off the list? Not sure where else to ask.


Potato del Grande
The CC games were meant to be multiplayer and playing by yourself isn't fun. They aren't great either so I would just skip it really.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The CC games were meant to be multiplayer and playing by yourself isn't fun. They aren't great either so I would just skip it really.

You're talking to Rajaah, not only is he going to play it, he's going to find 13 different ways to play it.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
The CC games were meant to be multiplayer and playing by yourself isn't fun. They aren't great either so I would just skip it really.

That's great, I can skip that one then. I'm still gonna check out the PS4 remake of the GC Crystal Chronicles, which I think they made more 1P friendly. Maybe just a cursory look like what I'd do with FF11. Far as I can tell the only major FF I have left (after 16) is 14.

You're talking to Rajaah, not only is he going to play it, he's going to find 13 different ways to play it.

Not anymore, my time of being a completionist is getting near its end due to being old. I think the Pixel Remaster plats were probably it for a while.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I’m in FF5 now, at the point where cid/mid found and gave me a secret airship made by the ancients.

I love all the jobs, brings me back 3 or whichever one had jobs before. Some are so OP. Geomancer is the bomb, same with ranger or maxed summoner. 0mp cast that most likely kills anything. Back in ff3 I had geomancer +bard which would sing the heal song for a mana-free 500-600hp heal. It makes all the difference in the world because you can save all mana for the boss fights and easily farm your way through the dungeons.

I stopped to farm some squirrels which give 5 job xp. They hit hard but I gave everyone the Giaia skill which instantly kills them. Or i must be so high level they will flee the fight instantly but I still get 5job xp anyway.

questions though
  • What do you get if you master a job?
  • do blue mage spells scale with my level/power or are they static? They seem to be static but I can’t tell
  • i have a ribbon but can’t wear it :( sup with that?


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I’m in FF5 now, at the point where cid/mid found and gave me a secret airship made by the ancients.

I love all the jobs, brings me back 3 or whichever one had jobs before. Some are so OP. Geomancer is the bomb, same with ranger or maxed summoner. 0mp cast that most likely kills anything. Back in ff3 I had geomancer +bard which would sing the heal song for a mana-free 500-600hp heal. It makes all the difference in the world because you can save all mana for the boss fights and easily farm your way through the dungeons.

I stopped to farm some squirrels which give 5 job xp. They hit hard but I gave everyone the Giaia skill which instantly kills them. Or i must be so high level they will flee the fight instantly but I still get 5job xp anyway.

questions though
  • What do you get if you master a job?
  • do blue mage spells scale with my level/power or are they static? They seem to be static but I can’t tell
  • i have a ribbon but can’t wear it :( sup with that?
Only dancers and freelancers can wear the ribbon…unless you are using the Equip Ribbon ability.


Potato del Grande
I’m in FF5 now, at the point where cid/mid found and gave me a secret airship made by the ancients.

I love all the jobs, brings me back 3 or whichever one had jobs before. Some are so OP. Geomancer is the bomb, same with ranger or maxed summoner. 0mp cast that most likely kills anything. Back in ff3 I had geomancer +bard which would sing the heal song for a mana-free 500-600hp heal. It makes all the difference in the world because you can save all mana for the boss fights and easily farm your way through the dungeons.

I stopped to farm some squirrels which give 5 job xp. They hit hard but I gave everyone the Giaia skill which instantly kills them. Or i must be so high level they will flee the fight instantly but I still get 5job xp anyway.

questions though
  • What do you get if you master a job?
  • do blue mage spells scale with my level/power or are they static? They seem to be static but I can’t tell
  • i have a ribbon but can’t wear it :( sup with that?
If you master a job, Freelancer gains it's stats, so you'll do the last boss or even last dungeon as Freelancer with the HP of a Monk and the Attack of a Ninja etc

As far as I know, Blue Magic is the same as the other schools and scales off your magic stat. Main benefit of Blue Mage though are the utility spells (eg Mighty Guard and White Wind) not the attack spells.

Ribbon is for Dancer only, but Dancer's last ability is to equip a Ribbon on any class. I don't think Ribbons are nessesary in this game though.

Skull Eater Squirrel farm is a known thing, have fun :)