Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


Trakanon Raider
The only major change I'd make to your A-Team is to swap Vaan in and Agrias or Cloud out.

Here's your team to beat Ifrit:

Irvine with Full Break and Magic Breakdown
Selphie with Curaja and Protectga
Quistis with Mental Breakdown and ice stuff
Edea and Rinoa with Ice stuff

Mako Might and Dr Mogs on Edea and Quistis

Turn 1 is all about mitigation. Get Protectga up and use both Edea and Quistis SBs. The haste doesn't stack but you want the magic from Edea and the shell / regen from Quistis.

You can take either Wall for a RW or Serah's Moonfrost Arrows.

It's not an easy fight but with new RWs, level 99 characters and chain Blizzaga he's a lot easier now.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Thanks Angelwatch. For my A team, should I unlock mug bloodlust for Vaan and run him as pure dps? Should he also get a mako might style RM?


Trakanon Raider
I'd use Mako Mights on Vanille and Tyro so you can have Wall up right away and you're guaranteed to have a big group heal ready to go as soon as you need it. I'd just use a damage RM on Vaan.

I haven't unlocked Mug Bloodlust yet. I don't have Vaan's BSB on Global either but I do on Japan which is way behind. I just use Lifesiphon and a Breakdown with him but I doubt I'm using him to the best of his ability since I don't play that account very much.


Molten Core Raider
I love mug bloodlust on my BSB Vaan. Every bit of stacking debuffs helps. The 2 uses at R1 usually last the whole fight too.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Lucky pulls have been pretty terrible for me lately, yet I can't help but pull on all of them. 1/11 again on this one, at least it was Quistis BSB (dress) which seems pretty cool, plus it's armor which is always good. Infuse with the power of poison, do I need to hone Bioga and chain Bioga now?


Blackwing Lair Raider
I love mug bloodlust on my BSB Vaan. Every bit of stacking debuffs helps. The 2 uses at R1 usually last the whole fight too.

Do you use lifesiphon as your other skill? Or thiefs revenge? What RM do you slap on him as well?


Trakanon Raider
Lucky pulls have been pretty terrible for me lately, yet I can't help but pull on all of them. 1/11 again on this one, at least it was Quistis BSB (dress) which seems pretty cool, plus it's armor which is always good. Infuse with the power of poison, do I need to hone Bioga and chain Bioga now?
In my opinion the BSB is the reason you don't have to hone those abilities now. The nice thing about these Mage BSBs is that their commands correspond to the element being enhanced. Once you activate the BSB you will be using the commands and you won't be using regular abilities.


Molten Core Raider
I use Lifesiphon yeah. Usually either battleforged or the +dagger or sword damage depending if i think i will be hitting 9999 or not. His BSB commands are ninja speed so he usually can chain bursts without having to use lifesiphon ever again.
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Golden Squire
With quistis you can just use wrath then bsb -> command 2/1. It's a high tier relic on a decent character. Having support on a mage does wonders. Her magic is a bit on the low side unfortunately, but nothing too crippling.

Edit: In mp I like running Vaan with mako might, power breakdown / mug bloodlust. He has thief cast speed which allows him to hit faster and against AOE should get more than enough sb bar... though cycling 4 abilities + burst on 15 seconds can be tough with lag.


Trakanon Raider
I was going to do one pull on this FF8 banner because it's strong and I needed synergy, but I'm now up to 3 FF8 weapons from misc pulls (lucky dungeon draws). Have Rinoa OSB, Laguna SSB, and Selphie BSB.

Going to try the CM using Fujin as a healer, with Rinoa and Selphie as the main DPS. I'm going to make Selphie's shitty non-healer burst work damnit! Likely going to leave Laguna home and let Irvine borrow his gun for breaking. Onion RW for haste and dualbuffs.

If it goes terribly wrong, I may do one pull anyway and see what happens.


Golden Squire
Can always use it for the stacking mag buff while still using her as a whm, with stitch in time Fujin should be a harder nuker using 5* Blm and RW sheep song or ley lines. That's my general plan for now.


Potato del Grande
Bought a pull.

Seifer BSB, any good? Seems tanky but I like Retaliate with that he doesn't have Samurai.

Also got Raijin SSB (Guts on Lifesiphonable character), another step on the road to the Infinity Gauntlet needed to beat Omega on 2nd Anniversary. Got Guts and Radiant Sheild, need Healer BSBs.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Got a new job yesterday so bought a pull.

Seifer BSB, any good? Seems tanky but I like Retaliate with that he doesn't have Samurai.

Also got Raijin SSB (Guts on Lifesiphonable character), another step on the road to the Infinity Gauntlet needed to beat Omega on 2nd Anniversary. Got Guts and Radiant Sheild, need Healer BSBs.

Which omega event are you talking about? The nightmare dungeon?


Potato del Grande
I don't know the event name, it was a one off boss JP got which supposed to be unbeatable with a 9999 AoE and only had a gill reward.

It was beaten so they sent out apology mithril!


Golden Squire
RecordX It's the nemesis boss here. The common strat was 2 bsb healers, guts, wall, radiant shield. It sucks cause to get synergy you can only have 1 character per realm... and my guts/wall/radiant shield characters are all FF14


Potato del Grande
If anyone hasn't done the FF1 CM it should be possible without synergy gear.

Warrior of Light: Banishing Strike/Protega
Sarah: Curaja/Shellga
Wol: Power/Magic Breakdown
Echo: Multi Break/Slowga/cast Onion Knight RW BSB
Flex DPS Slot Garland/Mayota/Master: Anything you like