Final Fantasy: Record Keeper - Mobile Gaming Cash Grab


<WoW Guild Officer>
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday will be Lucky Draws. Saturday will be the Ultros banner. This banner gives you a free 11x draw and then costs 50 Mythril for additional pulls. Saturday night will be the first of the actual banners.
How much should we have saved to take advantage of all of them?


Trakanon Raider
75 Mythril will get you through the Lucky Draws. We are about to get a massive windfall though. Expect over 100 Mythril over the next week.


Trakanon Raider
So I leveled an entire team to 77-80 for the FF2 CM because reddit posts kept saying it was an easy CM. Well, my 0 relic FF2 team got entirely destroyed by Emperor. There's no chance in hell Minwu can outheal that incoming damage, especially when half the team is chain slowed by Emperor. Swapped to a regular team and crushed him.

The U++ Emperor was slaughtered by Raines RW as usual. Nothing special...

The D200 multiplayer fight was somewhat amusing. Got mastery on the first try, but the D200 version took probably 30 minutes. The party I got into was 3 Tyro, all specced for support, 1 healer (Aeris with BSB and USB), 2 Ramza (one with only Shout, and mine with BSB/Shout/Tailwind), then 2 dps (my Beatrix with BSB and a Maria with BSB).

Well, no one had revives, and the Maria (who was in front row for some reason) died about 2 minutes into the fight, so the only dps remaining on the team was my support'ish Ramza with BSB, and my Beatrix. Well, we slowly wore down wave 1 and 2, then when wave 3 came out both of my units had full SB bars, so I used BSB on Beatrix (aoe nuke + imperil) then BSB on Ramza (aoe holy nuke). That took out the 3 weak knights on final wave, but the strong knight did his aoe death attack, which auto killed both of my units, even though I had instant ko resist on both.

Well, the last 50% of the final knight was killed by those 3 tyro's using normal attack, and the other Ramza using normal attack (he was out of hones I guess). It took like 20 minutes, but we won with mastery.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Two more copies of Gordon's shield, Maria's burst, and Guy's SSB Axe. I fused the shield (7* armor hoooo).


<Bronze Donator>
Don't forget about reforging dude, even tho shields can be lame an 8* version of that will be awesome.

And big gratz on Maria's burst, that's what I really wanted. Second only to Raines' burst I believe (and better depending on the situation).


Trakanon Raider
It took me awhile and I needed a flawless run but I got the CM. It was not easy.

My only relics for II are Gordon's Shield (reverse wall), Leon's Golden Armor (not great in this fight) and Minwu's instant Curaga. Without Minwu's SSB it would not have been possible. I RWed Raine's BSB for Maria. Against a Holy weak boss it did really good damage.

It still took quite a few attempts to tweak things but I got the 2 Major White Orbs... Yay?


Trakanon Raider
but I got the 2 Major White Orbs... Yay?

lol, that's about how I feel about the CM. If I egged up both of the FF2 mages, used a Raines RW, wore slow resist accessories, and had random god luck with him wasting turns casting slow on people who resist it, MAYBE I could beat the CM with no relics at all (not pulling, need too many meta relics from anniversary).

Even with all that, the reward just isn't worth the extra effort I'd need to finish it, so meh, I'm passing on this CM.

Grats on beating it though!


<WoW Guild Officer>
Don't forget about reforging dude, even tho shields can be lame an 8* version of that will be awesome.

And big gratz on Maria's burst, that's what I really wanted. Second only to Raines' burst I believe (and better depending on the situation).
Wait, what? Why is Maria's burst great?


Trakanon Raider
Wait, what? Why is Maria's burst great?

Maria's burst has no utility, but for pure damage, it has the highest damage potential. The burst is en-earth, and her command 1 is up to 6 hits based on your magic (1032 magic needed for the 6th hit). Command 2 is a stacking self magic buff too.

If you can get to that 1032 magic score, which isn't that hard to do with a synergy mage weapon + 2 stacking mag buffs, then her command 1 deals up to 60,000 damage per round. The only things that can compare to that kind of damage output are 4 hit instant cast commands (like Raines).


Trakanon Raider
Sigh, 3/11 on the healer draw, but all SSB level. Still no healer BSB for me =/

Porom, Yuna, Ovelia. 1 dupe, but 2 medica's for realms I had no medica in, so overall not bad.


Potato del Grande
Rosa & Vanilla SSB. Just after failing FF2 Torment at 20% last giant due to lack of healing. Will try more magical/physical blink cheese...


<WoW Guild Officer>
Dupe Arc SSB and Penelo SSB :|

edit: haha 3rd copy of arc, changed it into a 7*, 2nd copy of penelo's SSB, turned it into a 6*.


<Bronze Donator>
GF and i both did poorly on this Lucky Draw.... both 1/11, she got Dreamstage and i got a dupe of Vanille's ether medica.

can't remember if i already had 2 of those or just 1.... was too miffed to look =p


Trakanon Raider
Ricard and Seymour SSB from the infusion banner. Both are new relics for me, but neither is that impressive as a soulbreak. I'm more pleased that I got two element boosting armors, especially a +dark mage robe (my first).


Trakanon Raider
A bit better for me this time. I went 3 / 11 with 2 dupes. Etro's Embrace for Lightning and Flame Staff for Vivi as dupes. Garland's Ogrekiller BSB as new.

Doubt I'll use it often but at least it's a new burst with synergy in a realm I have none.