Thinking about this, I'm done wanting remakes now. You have to do it 1 to 1 otherwise the magic is lost.
It's even as simple as having Shinra chase you out of Kalm. The fucking town is called Kalm, it's a chance to reset from the climax of Midgar. It's such a small thing but there are a whole lot of small things like that.
Doesn't mean you can't add things in, Chocobo Ranch having more of a story is great.
Dyne not killing himself is a big one, he can't jump off a cliff, but FF16 had a suicide last year where a women slits her own throat because her small child just exploded.
Anyone else looking forward to finding Professor Gast's lab in Icicle, a trap door opening and we get stuck in a 4th boring Hojo lab?
Who was it in FF16 who offed herself? Was it the evil queen? I'm drawing a blank on FF16 in general but I vaguely remember this.
And I agree that they messed up a bunch of magical parts in the FF7 remakes so far:
-Not having Barret's theme play while walking around Sector 7 at the beginning of Pt 1. I had a major sentimental attachment to that theme from high school and it was nowhere to be found here.
-Midgar being so damn bright and daylight-y.
-In Part 1: Too. Much. Sephiroth. All over the place, all the time.
-In Part 2: Too. Much. Robed Guys. All over the place, shambling around creeping everybody out. Part 2 is basically "let's follow these shambling robed guys all around the world". It's Shambling Robed Guys: World Tour. Where will they pop up next!
-Dyne not killing himself. This wasn't "magical" but it was powerful and they changed it to having a bunch of random Shinra run in and do it instead.
-Kalm not being a calm reset at all and being invaded by more Shinra.
-Cid being all happy-go-lucky instead of the bitter guy he is in the original.
-Rocket Town and that whole thing not even existing here, so they completely changed everything about Cid. They might as well have made him a different/new character and left the actual Cid for the next one.
-The camera cutting away during certain incredibly important moment.
-The camera cutting to Cait Sith at gravitas-robbing moments constantly.
-The sky over Midgar not being all dark and stormy (they fixed this in part 2 at least).
-Temple of the Ancients being in a completely different place, looking completely different, making no physical sense (is it flying?)
-Shinra Manor basement being sprawling boring way-too-long dungeon #8 full of monsters instead of a brief, quiet, creepy location.
I'm sure I could keep going on and on and on. At least they added some Crisis Core elements like Cissnei.