Trakanon Raider
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, where would Astros be for savage raiding I wonder. Granted their overall healing and dps are heaps below scholar and whm but a well played Astro could bring enuf dps to the rest of the group it might make them worthwhile? (Ie divination and stacked deck for dps checks n so forth)
Astro are significantly worse than whm right now (like... At least 10% including their rdps contribution), and whether you're doing savage or an ex primal that doesn't change.
However: there were massive job changes in 4.05 (stormblood savage release), Yoshi P confirmed that there'd be massive changes in 5.05, and historically astro (and all buff classes, e.g. nin drg sch etc) have been higher rdps than selfish classes (e.g. whm blm sam) in bis/farm with good players scenarios. So I'd expect this trend to continue and we'll either see whm nerfs or significant ast buffs, guessing whm nerfs.
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