The more I play this the more I think MMO's as we know them aren't coming back. I think this game's trash. I don't know why I play it, maybe from a lack of options. This new relic step that pretty much has you do 180 raids from prior expansions without being able to cheese them by being higher level. So basically 5 mins x 180 = 900 mins of pure, button spamming fun. You can't even use this time to socialize or meet people, unlike in EQ, because this game makes sure to have you and the 7 other catgirl-playing-sweaty-waifupillowhaving-neckbeards have to press buttons every 2 seconds the entire time.
But hey you'll get a new relic weapon with 5 ilvls higher than what you already have and no flavor whatsoever that's going to be bis for maybe the next 6 months at best with a design so ugly you wont even want to use it as glamour.
Just had to rant.