Honestly the last step is pretty fucking painless and easy, grind in Zadnor till Rank 25(You can keep grinding in there too max out the Honors if you want, it's 1.8billion mettle to hit 10/10/10)
Or farm A1(Axles), A4(Springs), O1(Book of the Realm), 04(Book of the Void?(I think that's what it was called)), E1(Lurid), E4(Vexasiou(SP? haha))
I did a combo of both, I only needed like 2 of each raid once I was done in Zadnor, and that was only after getting too 2/5/0 on the honors..
Like I said compared too, Zodiac and Anima relics, were these last two steps would be after a massive Light grind too "prepare" the weapon for upgrade.. It's pretty fucking easy.