Is it common to have non sprouts in Dungeon roulette that only do 1 pack at a time, even in easy dungeons? Because it has been happening to me constantly. It gets so bad I'll go pull extra as the healer, because I know I can handle it, even if the tank doesn't grab them, but a good portion of the time the tank will throw a hissy fit about it. And then on my tank runs, I find people just so incredibly slow. Level 50 or lower dungeon; Scholar; tank doesn't want to go more than 1 pack, MAYBE 2 at a time. It's like, okay, well I'm just gonna afk /follow you than because my fairy can handle it. It's so damn boring. It's not even about being super fast and efficient, it's just boring as fuck 1 pack at a time, but I seem to be in the minority in feeling that way in most of my dungeons. Do people not enjoy seeing their AoE ability kablam 10 mobs? Because it's the best.
Have been enjoying my AST a bit more at least, now that I have more abilities. It's particularly fun when I do actually get a tank that wants to pull to our actual capabilities and I have to blast everything but I also want to keep my cards goin and do as much damage as possible. Unfortunately those runs are rare, and usually it's 1 heal cast per 15 damage spell casts.