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Lucked out and got a Plot 30, the big mansion next to the bath! Probably the luckiest thing that ever happened to me in game; so psyched!
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The only downside compared to XIV would be no overworld neighborhoods
Congrats. You've beaten the hardest content in the game and I'm not even joking.Lucked out and got a Plot 30, the big mansion next to the bath! Probably the luckiest thing that ever happened to me in game; so psyched!
View attachment 408537
Well yeah, I just meant like, customizable stuff on the outside.What? EQ2 had overworld neighborhoods.
At the beginning it was all in the main cities, later on it was in the various cities, like FFXIV is now but, IMHO more organic since it was all in the places you would naturally be, not some "Neighborhood" similar to LOTRO.
So how did EQ2 get it right back in 2004 and these guys still get it so stupendously wrong now?
There is really nothing special about owning a house in XIV. The customization is incredibly lacking. The number of items available and the limit on what you can place is very low. And as I mentioned above, neighborhoods in XIV are barren. Other than the first initial buying up phase of a new ward or someone having an event, they are empty. Maybe if you could pick and choose freely where you could buy a house, neighborhoods would be more active. You know, with people that actually know one another. But it's not like that, because people have to rapidly purchase the first thing available (or rather, now it's 100% RNG).Yea and look how successful eq2 is. No one gave a flying fuck about eq2 housing because 1) it wasn't a house, it was an instanced zone no one saw and 2) it was just handed to you.
Actually having neighborhoods is a big deal. (And no, eq2 didn't have housing neighborhoods, it had general apartment buildings with a shared front door to the instances) Actually trying to buy a plot is a big deal. Scarcity drives demand , popularity, and owner satisfaction.
"Oh 20 year old mmo's all had housing why you no do same thing FFXIV. " Shit maybe they understand something here about their player base and making systems that don't just die out.
Yea and look how successful eq2 is. No one gave a flying fuck about eq2 housing because 1) it wasn't a house, it was an instanced zone no one saw and 2) it was just handed to you.
Actually having neighborhoods is a big deal. (And no, eq2 didn't have housing neighborhoods, it had general apartment buildings with a shared front door to the instances) Actually trying to buy a plot is a big deal. Scarcity drives demand , popularity, and owner satisfaction.
"Oh 20 year old mmo's all had housing why you no do same thing FFXIV. " Shit maybe they understand something here about their player base and making systems that don't just die out.
you know... FF14 vs EQ2 got me thinking.
In EQ2 various housing elements were in various places of the city. the shit housing was in the racial ghettos. the 'good' housing was closer to the guildhalls and main part of town. (origionally. i think later cities were more normalized).
the housing in EQ2 is just apartment doors, but they're located in various places and 'on the way to the door' you may bump into some one who is on your same tier of game play so to speak. poors live near poors.
BUTin ff14....you can just teliport to your guildhouse, or apartment. walk 8 feet. go in your door. that's why the housing districts are often super baren. everyone just ports to to door, dives in, and does their shit inside.
So while i think that FF's neighborhoods have the capability for neighbors to hang out , outside and see each other. i bet the process of walking to the apartment in EQ2 actually had you bump into more people because i don't seem to remember porting right to the door.
though i think artificial scarcity is retarded. the housing is 'okay' in ff14, but they should have made endless, instanced apartments JUSTLIKEeq2. they should have put multiple complexes in each housing zone or city area, just like EQ2 with a shit apartment. an okay apartment, and a glorious high dollar apartment (something like 1,2,3 rooms). and just make them endless. make them cost gil and free company tokens. bam. best of both worlds. lots of RP/ERP/gpose people JUSTwant a place to decorate and feel cute. they don't need the neighborhood experience. though i'm glad they made districts 1-18 FCdistricts. that was huge in getting a FC house this patch for a lot of people.
I agree. a random door in uldah could go into a private court (instanced housing) which has a courtyard and housing unit. another could go to a slum with a depressing exterior and small (normal apartment room)living space.
I'm not even joking, a lot of players would get a kick out of living in the hood vs the ritzy place. options would be killer.
I just picked up ESO on sale. Haven't played it yet, but the selling point for me was horizontal progression and options, as opposed to FF14's 'play it our way or go home' gameplay - which is good in its own right, mind you. I think ESO/FF14 being the top contenders for the genre might be a reality soon.ESO takes it home. Addons adding special effects and creating a larger connected community. Accessibility is huge with housing and eso spoiled me on it. Housing should be real locales in the game world, housing should be accessible like teleporting to a friends' house from friend list, and housing should have information available to addon makers to expand the housing gameplay. Its one of those features that greatly benefits from player influence and I think has largely gone untapped imo.
I just picked up ESO on sale. Haven't played it yet, but the selling point for me was horizontal progression and options, as opposed to FF14's 'play it our way or go home' gameplay - which is good in its own right, mind you. I think ESO/FF14 being the top contenders for the genre might be a reality soon.
Come on man, don't spread misinformation like that. That was a bug, years ago. Wtf