That's fine and if it was literally just find the city or gold it would be Indiana Jones expac and be ok. The whole political thing is I'm enjoying it well enough. It's a vacation for the Warrior of Light bro, relax!! Just finished the first trial - that fight was a lot of fun! Gonna be awesome on extreme.
lol. I'm enjoying it well enough. It's a vacation for the Warrior of Light bro, relax!! Just finished the first trial - that fight was a lot of fun! Gonna be awesome on extreme.
Someone said ingame... She's ARR "Crystal Braves" era Alphinaud and there's no Heavensward to develop the character.I appreciate the complaint that the first couple zones are more visual novel than MMO game. Only like two fights? in total for the zones and its a long rather slog. Swapping over to the JP voice for Wuk Lamat was a game changer though. I actually feel like she is a good hearted, compassionate person who is trying to deal with personal insecurities in order to strive for the good of her people from a place of genuine care. The EN voice is insecure smug, flat, and seems to have the unwarranted entitled belief she should rule. Its a vacuous personality that quite literally makes me hope she is eaten by a coeurl.
I talked a friend who is a JP voice purist into listening to a cutscene in EN. I think his responce was on the level of, "My god, what is wrong with it." Was amusing cause we were disagreeing over the character, "I don't get why you hate her so much. Yeah, she's young and naive but she's not that bad..." swapped to 'Oh...... oooohhh..... my god."
Comparing Wuk Lamat to ARR Alphie is interesting. ARR Alphi was annoying as shit, but at least had competence to back him up. His comeuppance though was like honey.
The reason the voice acting bugs me, and perhaps this is a me thing, is it keeps ruining the suspension of disbelief. Every step of the way I kept finding myself questioning why am I helping this person? This petulant child would be the downfall of her country if she becomes leader. Nothing about her inspires any belief she should be allowed anywhere near rulership. So every time she opened her mouth in a cutscene I just wanted to nope out. Only reason to put her in place is if I wanted a puppet and running the damn thing myself. This is especially worsened by the examples of leaders we've had before. Hell, I'm not a fan of Lyse but she stood head and shoulders above what Wuk is present as in the English.
JP comes off as earnest, yet unsure and growing. It makes the trip around the nation to learn and grow feel much more on the mark.
Again this may be just a me thing but it was extremely jarring and immersion breaking in the EN.
Xbox issue mentioned
In the meantime, have you considered playing on Dynamis or another server with no queue just while they get it fixed?
An Update Regarding the Xbox Version Becoming Unresponsive and Other Issues | FINAL FANTASY XIV, The Lodestone
An Update Regarding the Xbox Version Becoming Unresponsive and Other
Saw that. Asked if he wanted to hop to Dynamis a while back, but he said no. Wonder if maybe he didn't realize you can just visit vs. a full transfer. But yeah, sounds like it's going to be a bit. Pretty disappointing we've gotten almost nothing done over the early access, but oh well, we'll get it eventually. Just don't want to run into spoilers.
She has Hispanic SJW voice acting, where this person is the avatar of all hispanic people so can do no wrong and always must be 100% friendly. Thankfully she's not dropping in random spanish words, but she does have the taco obsession the trope normally has.Comparing Wuk Lamat to ARR Alphie is interesting. ARR Alphi was annoying as shit, but at least had competence to back him up. His comeuppance though was like honey.
The reason the voice acting bugs me, and perhaps this is a me thing, is it keeps ruining the suspension of disbelief. Every step of the way I kept finding myself questioning why am I helping this person? This petulant child would be the downfall of her country if she becomes leader. Nothing about her inspires any belief she should be allowed anywhere near rulership. So every time she opened her mouth in a cutscene I just wanted to nope out. Only reason to put her in place is if I wanted a puppet and running the damn thing myself. This is especially worsened by the examples of leaders we've had before. Hell, I'm not a fan of Lyse but she stood head and shoulders above what Wuk is present as in the English.
JP comes off as earnest, yet unsure and growing. It makes the trip around the nation to learn and grow feel much more on the mark.
Again this may be just a me thing but it was extremely jarring and immersion breaking in the EN.
Now someone tell me why Erenvillie has a Spanish accent and his villiage is USA American.
I have very much been a EN holdout amongst my friends and thought Emet was wonderful. The Endwalker set of Ascian VAs were all good. FF14 has been one of the few games or shows where I have felt the EN voice cast has been stellar pretty much across the board. I didn't actually dislike Lyse either, character or VA. Just felt she was way in over her head for running a country and they resolved that by having Raubhan act in concert with her. Lyse felt believable in her role, even if she wasn't as good of a character as some of the rest of the cast.early on she's definitely like that, I guess I just thought she progressed actually at a somewhat believable (for FF standards) way and became way less petulant child. It's funny everyone compares her to Lyse, another person I was more than happy to just be a one expansion main character, but no real problems with, either. I never get any sense of how they "sound" in JP without being able to understand the language. It's like how some people hate Emet's English VA and sweat by the JP one...while think his English VA absolutely crushed the role in every way.