Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
I'm only in the post-Heavensward MSQ part of the game, but man am I slowing down a lot. Every other quest I'm at the duty finder's mercy, and what's listed as 10 minute Ques are turning into 20+. I spend more time alt tabbed than playing (can't leave or I'll miss the queue pop!)

*Edit just missed the pop for The Navel(Hard) QQ!!!!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They've added NPC trusts to most MSQ dungeons at this point - can always run the thing with bots if queues are ass


<Silver Donator>
Arcardion is the Raid series for DT , we are still a long ways away from the first "Circle" being released.

Guess thats what I get for being so busy, releases patch night.
Arcadion is next tuesday not sure what you mean by a long ways away. It's the standard 8man raid and normal is released on tuesday, savage 2weeks after that. Alliance raid is 7.1 which is like 4months away but the name for this isn't known I think, just that it's FFXI themed(I'd expect Shadow Lord stuff first tier, Rise of Zilart 2nd tier and Chains of Promotheia 3rd tier, although they could mix more of the expansions too).


Goonsquad Officer
doing the expansion the slowest pace ever. I just got to the fork, choose this tribe or that. and....getting to meet the beast tribes has been the most exciting thing of the expansion so far heh.


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
Juuust started Stormblood, I wonder how many hours I have left until the current expansion lol. It's a good story so far. I've pretty much stopped doing any of the blue side quests, unless it's an obvious Class Unlock quickie. I'll end up going back later I'm sure, so I'm not that guy with no unlocks in his Duty que thing.


Blackwing Lair Raider
This is the only MMO I actually watch(most) of the cutscenes for. You can just do the MSQ and then use the side quests to go back and level another class later.


Potato del Grande
Juuust started Stormblood, I wonder how many hours I have left until the current expansion lol. It's a good story so far. I've pretty much stopped doing any of the blue side quests, unless it's an obvious Class Unlock quickie. I'll end up going back later I'm sure, so I'm not that guy with no unlocks in his Duty que thing.
You are nearly there! Once you get into the post lv70 stuff the story starts to get amazing. Watch the Shadowbringers cutscene before leaving for Shadowbringers, it's probably the best opening cutscene of all time.
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Goonsquad Officer
Juuust started Stormblood, I wonder how many hours I have left until the current expansion lol. It's a good story so far. I've pretty much stopped doing any of the blue side quests, unless it's an obvious Class Unlock quickie. I'll end up going back later I'm sure, so I'm not that guy with no unlocks in his Duty que thing.
imo about half way through stormblood (when you travel to the second zone in asia) the story really picks up imo and keeps up a good story till...the end of endwalker really. I personally think it's worth doing a couple of the raids and a little side content (alexander, omega raid series. even if you just un-sync and smash them just to see the story), because some of it is mentioned later if you do. kinda neat. but yea. i don't think you need a ton of side stuff overall. just MSQ, the aforementioned stuff. in shadowbringers i'd do werlyt (the SB trial series).

if you intend to level "alt jobs" its worth doing the combat beast tribes in stormblood and going forward. they're 'decent' (sb) and 'great'(SHB) xp for the time and you can do them in the entire level range.

a lot of t he story lines for raid series/trial series do build on one another and there's mention made in later expansions, though if you don't get the quips in the dialogue it's not a huge deal.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya for Stormblood I 100% recommend doing the Omega raid series - it actually has a lot of MSQ influencing/important elements in it, but it's still "optional" (probably the #1 candidate to become mandatory in future like Crystal Tower became MSQ required shortly after Shadowbringers came out). There is even a story continuation after you beat Endwalker. Omega was written by the same person who did Shadowbringers and Endwalker

Also in terms of blue quests, keep an eye out for Aether Current quests (reward is the green diamond looking shape). The game has you revisit old zones not unfrequently, so having flying unlocked comes in handy.
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Potato del Grande
Ya for Stormblood I 100% recommend doing the Omega raid series - it actually has a lot of MSQ influencing/important elements in it, but it's still "optional" (probably the #1 candidate to become mandatory in future like Crystal Tower became MSQ required shortly after Shadowbringers came out). There is even a story continuation after you beat Endwalker. Omega was written by the same person who did Shadowbringers and Endwalker

Also in terms of blue quests, keep an eye out for Aether Current quests (reward is the green diamond looking shape). The game has you revisit old zones not unfrequently, so having flying unlocked comes in handy.
Crystal Tower, Alexander and Omega together are super important to worth doing them all before Shadowbringers.
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Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
I played AST briefly so far. It's a lot of oGCDs now, and it should be exactly like SGE(and SCH) where every GCD is a damage one pretty much, there's aspected benefic but honestly from the time I played the class I felt it wasn't needed anymore(unless doing low lvl content obviously). You can easily keep the tank up with the new cards, the big bubble and the other oGCDs. The only "GCD heal" I cast was Macrocosmos, since it's also dmg(although it is a DPS loss, I think they might buff that in the next patch I forgot if it was mentionned, but it's like 20potency lost). Only time you'd GCD heal would be in the later dungeons/harder content when you need strong aoe healing where you can use horoscope+neutral sect and then do some aoe heals with shield+regen+horoscope proc kind of thing. But in the low dungeons there was no need for it.

For the new cards I don't dislike it, but I also feel a lot of the cards are kinda throwaway stuff. I get the idea they had to group them so you don't have to remember each individual card like in HW and instead just know that Play II is tank cards(bole for mit like the old days, the other one for healing increased which feels a lot more worthless) and Play III is for small "heal" with the regen or the shield. The problem is those heals are so small they're often not super useful for spot healing so you just throw them on the tank for free heals, and while Bole is great as an additional tank mit, the other one isn't nearly as strong(it should also give 10% hp+heal that amount, like the SCH protraction, or maybe make it 5% instead but something).

AST main. It's been a lot of oGCDs since at least Shadowbringers.

Valorath Valorath Basically agree with Pyros that you lean into your oGCDs as much as possible. Don't underestimate Ewer; it's a 1000 potency heal over 15 seconds on oGCD. If you don't want to use it on a tank, it's also great for the one idiot DPS that stands in stupid and needs to be topped off (but not immediately).

Weave Intersection as much as you can; it's a small pot heal, but it acts as a stall that lets you keep DPSing with your on-cooldowns. Opposition should be used pretty much on c/d for trash pulls even though it's a "group/AoE" move. Also, don't forget about Exaltation.

You can Horoscope at the end of a pull, then use standard Helios or Conjunction to proc Horoscope Helios for your next pull. If you have an impatient tank who keeps running ahead of you when you cast, Swift is now on a 40s cooldown.


Potato del Grande
AST main. It's been a lot of oGCDs since at least Shadowbringers.

Valorath Valorath Basically agree with Pyros that you lean into your oGCDs as much as possible. Don't underestimate Ewer; it's a 1000 potency heal over 15 seconds on oGCD. If you don't want to use it on a tank, it's also great for the one idiot DPS that stands in stupid and needs to be topped off (but not immediately).

Weave Intersection as much as you can; it's a small pot heal, but it acts as a stall that lets you keep DPSing with your on-cooldowns. Opposition should be used pretty much on c/d for trash pulls even though it's a "group/AoE" move. Also, don't forget about Exaltation.

You can Horoscope at the end of a pull, then use standard Helios or Conjunction to proc Horoscope Helios for your next pull. If you have an impatient tank who keeps running ahead of you when you cast, Swift is now on a 40s cooldown.
What's the mana management like for raise?

I have all four healers at 90 but WHM at 100. The shitters are starting to hit max level and it's been really helpful having the zero mana raise WHM can put out with 2 charges.

AST has the temporary zero mana buff right?


<Silver Donator>
What's the mana management like for raise?

I have all four healers at 90 but WHM at 100. The shitters are starting to hit max level and it's been really helpful having the zero mana raise WHM can put out with 2 charges.

AST has the temporary zero mana buff right?
No only WHM has 0 mana buff, I think AST used to have it on Lightspeed but that was like 2+ expansions ago like back when you had to Ewer yourself for mp before they put mp on draw(or play whichever it was I didn't play that much AST).

I can't say I've had an issue with rez and mp, in 4mans people don't die THAT much and in 8mans you have 2 healers to lean on, plus potentially SMN/RDM to help. If people are dying that much you just leave them dead until you have enough mp. Healing/DPSing is mp positive as long as you use your mp tools, so you'll eventually recover even having to rez twice in a row if 2 ppl died to one mech or whatever. The only heals that cost mana for the most part are GCD heals and you can usually heal everything without them so you don't spend much mp on healing(in the worst case you just have to stop dpsing and stand there but I haven't had that happen in years).
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Revolver Ocelot
<Bronze Donator>
What's the mana management like for raise?

I have all four healers at 90 but WHM at 100. The shitters are starting to hit max level and it's been really helpful having the zero mana raise WHM can put out with 2 charges.

AST has the temporary zero mana buff right?

ShB/EW AST had basically bottomless MP, which was one of their advantages. Theoretically, their MP restore is even higher than it was in EW because Draw used to be 5% restore on a 30s cooldown, and they now get 20% restore on a 60s cooldown.

However, to me it feels like something fucky is going on with MP ticks - like you're getting less back naturally than you used to. I haven't tapped out of MP in DT yet, but I've noticed my meter seems to be going down a bit faster than it was in EW. Maybe it's that I'm still leveling, and the curves are kind of screwy until you hit 100. I also run absolute minimum Piety because I didn't need it in EW at all.

AST doesn't have an MP reduction ability any more. Like Pyros said, Lightspeed used to be 50% discount, but that effect has been gone a while.
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Potato del Grande
I must be rememebering the Shadowbringers version of Lightspeed then?

I don't know if it's me getting better or the new expansion, but I did go out of mana before, especially on WHM. I haven't been out of mana once in Dawntrail even chain rezzing noobs or dying myself.

I do usually hit Assize and Lucid Dreaming on cooldown when previously I didn't. Worried about going to AST on controller as I had a perfect macro for cards using an extra hotbar, but the new version may be too many buttons now.

Having seen the extremes I don't think I want to even try them as a healer, despite doing the first three in Endwalker. It's too hectic. Tank seems the easiest role for them, I can safely take some extra vulnerable stacks if I fuck up in exchange for learning a few tank busters - the first trial rotating tank buster is really fucking fun actually. Second trial barely needs an offtank.


<Silver Donator>
The new card system is as many buttons as before, although the buttons priority/frequency has shifted.

Before you had Draw, Play, Redraw, Astrodyne and Minor Arcana. Now you have Draw, Minor Arcana and 3 play buttons instead of redraw/astrodyne/play. You can put 3 play+minor on face button and Draw where you had Astrodyne before and it should more or less be the same. The targetting would be annoying I guess on pad though, always has been for cards imo, can probably just target Play 1 and throw Play 2/3 on the tank regardless so you don't have to think about it, the other tools are enough for healing usually. Preferably you'd want to be able to use the regen/shield(play 3? or 2 whichever) on a specific target but well.
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Potato del Grande
The new card system is as many buttons as before, although the buttons priority/frequency has shifted.

Before you had Draw, Play, Redraw, Astrodyne and Minor Arcana. Now you have Draw, Minor Arcana and 3 play buttons instead of redraw/astrodyne/play. You can put 3 play+minor on face button and Draw where you had Astrodyne before and it should more or less be the same. The targetting would be annoying I guess on pad though, always has been for cards imo, can probably just target Play 1 and throw Play 2/3 on the tank regardless so you don't have to think about it, the other tools are enough for healing usually. Preferably you'd want to be able to use the regen/shield(play 3? or 2 whichever) on a specific target but well.
So before I only had Draw on the normal crosshotbar.

That switched the bar to one with numbers 1-8 on one side (Play targeting party member), and the "cannot assign to hotbar" tooltips on the other side for the 6 cards in groups of 3 with the 4th button being a symbol to remind me if those cards were for melee or ranged - the actual buttons with card tooltips were Redraw if I pressed them.

So it was press Draw, look at which of the 6 tooltips lit up and the melee/ranged reminder with them, then either press that to Redraw to press 1-8 to Play on the right person. It was effortless.

Minor Arcana was on the normal hotbar too but it worked differently.

Now I press Draw and I have 4 Play buttons doing 4 different things which I may not want to cast immediately (so alternate hotbar won't cut it). I've gone from needing 2 spaces on the hotbar to 5? And then the cards do different things half the time so can't really put one in my aoe healing crosshotbar and one in my single target crosshotbar.


<Silver Donator>
So before I only had Draw on the normal crosshotbar.

That switched the bar to one with numbers 1-8 on one side (Play targeting party member), and the "cannot assign to hotbar" tooltips on the other side for the 6 cards in groups of 3 with the 4th button being a symbol to remind me if those cards were for melee or ranged - the actual buttons with card tooltips were Redraw if I pressed them.

So it was press Draw, look at which of the 6 tooltips lit up and the melee/ranged reminder with them, then either press that to Redraw to press 1-8 to Play on the right person. It was effortless.

Minor Arcana was on the normal hotbar too but it worked differently.

Now I press Draw and I have 4 Play buttons doing 4 different things which I may not want to cast immediately (so alternate hotbar won't cut it). I've gone from needing 2 spaces on the hotbar to 5? And then the cards do different things half the time so can't really put one in my aoe healing crosshotbar and one in my single target crosshotbar.
Well Draw and Minor Arcana are the same as before pretty much so you can leave them on a main bar, minor still doesn't require any targetting, and there's 3 play buttons, 1 is pretty much always tank(the mit/healing received one) so you could macro it with a target of target or focus target depending on how you're doing it normally, one is targetted on melee/ranged DPS(the annoying one I guess for pad targetting so likely you could put that on the old play targetting system you had with 8 buttons), and 1 is situational heal, could also throw on tank. Since you freed up Astrodyne, that means in your system you'd need one additional button on normal bars for both Play 2 and 3, but not more than that, and you free up the optional bars with the mechanics/redraw.
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Potato del Grande
Well Draw and Minor Arcana are the same as before pretty much so you can leave them on a main bar, minor still doesn't require any targetting, and there's 3 play buttons, 1 is pretty much always tank(the mit/healing received one) so you could macro it with a target of target or focus target depending on how you're doing it normally, one is targetted on melee/ranged DPS(the annoying one I guess for pad targetting so likely you could put that on the old play targetting system you had with 8 buttons), and 1 is situational heal, could also throw on tank. Since you freed up Astrodyne, that means in your system you'd need one additional button on normal bars for both Play 2 and 3, but not more than that, and you free up the optional bars with the mechanics/redraw.
Sounds good thanks.

Targeting isn't an issue, it's just button space.

Only thing I macro are ground targeting spells which are awkward on controller, the rest is easy.


Trakanon Raider
I'm loving the new dungeons, some of the mechanics are wild.
I did Shaaloni last night and ran Vanguard for the first time. On all 3 bosses our healer and monk died before the boss was at 50% so the dancer and I (GNB) carried the team. Luckily none of the bosses in vanguard have many stack mechanics so it was easily doable.

I had to solo the last 25% of boss 2 because he has strong raidwides and the dancer couldn't keep himself alive.

The mechanic where that boss has drones that disco ball AEs all over the screen while you dodge them and laser barriers at once is great fun.