Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


Potato del Grande
I do wonder how they will juggle MSQ going shard hopping v. sticking closer to home (Mericydia) over the next expansion or two. Maybe even patch content for 7.X and 8.X. Obviously at some point Mericydia is in the cards, and very likely will have some overlap points to the 6.X patch content given void/dragons connections.
They could Heavensward it and have a totally unrelated dragon story?

They said the story direction would be based on reception, so if they plan ahead wouldn't that mean the next expansion is already being worked on?

Otherwise could just have another continent get invaded or rejoined by another shard?


Trakanon Raider
The only thing we know for "sure" right now..

Yoshi said,
We will be visiting every area that Emet labeled off, the order is unknown, but eventually I'm sure we will even go back and rescue the 13th as we did the 1st.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
If they go off reception, that means more Solution 9/Azem's Artifact stuff. Also less Saturday Morning Cartoon/Shonen Anime level of complexity and more complex complexity.

Bakool Ja Ja might even get more development - he ended up being a pretty popular character (arguably the most popular out of the new batch besides Erenville's mom if you go by polls). YoshiP said he and the team were puzzled by that, which actually isn't a good sign if they can't tell why the character is popular and Wuk "hog 99% of the screentime" Lamat isn't.

Bakool Ja Ja is pretty simple to explain in terms of popularity: Not overused, involved in memorable scenes, entertaining character personality and design, tragic backstory, and "villain becomes ally" trope.

Wuk Lamat will probably get the Lyse treatment - she will get bumped to cameo role and then they will try to rehabilitate the character in terms of how they are presented in the MSQ. Lyse was less annoying in the post Stormblood MSQ patches
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
They could Heavensward it and have a totally unrelated dragon story?

They said the story direction would be based on reception, so if they plan ahead wouldn't that mean the next expansion is already being worked on?

Otherwise could just have another continent get invaded or rejoined by another shard?

I thought they had said at one point they are usually working on/have plans for one expansion ahead, but that obviously could change if they have good thoughts in place for multiple expansions. Although as Cyb noted, if they're going off reception, they'll likely lean heavily into the shard/artifact stuff as much as possible.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Given how localized most of these characters would be to Tural, I can't imagine they will be used much more in the future save for "power of friendship" big team up moments in MSQ.


They need to get off world for a couple expansions. Let the creativity really flow, or if they want to copy do one where its like Spira and you have to escort a summoner to the end for the MSQ or something IDK. THen come back and do Mercydia and have a big dragon expansion again.


Goonsquad Officer
Did they ever explain why erinvell's mom has the opposite fucking accent as him? i think i know the answer: the american (california) studio that gave us wook "the vomit comet" lemon, had to cast an American black woman in the role...but do they ever address it in game? heh


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Kids with a parent with a different accent don’t genetically inherit the accent lol. I used to work with a guy from Kentucky that lived outside that area for 15 years and spoke with a local accent, although he could slip back into his Kentucky accent when he wanted to

Errenville even says he was trying to pass as an eastern bunny vs the American bunnies


Goonsquad Officer
Kids with a parent with a different accent don’t genetically inherit the accent lol. I used to work with a guy from Kentucky that lived outside that area for 15 years and spoke with a local accent, although he could slip back into his Kentucky accent when he wanted to

Errenville even says he was trying to pass as an eastern bunny vs the American bunnies
right but she was also his mentor. she ostensibly raised him. so i guess the actual explanation is that erinvell picked up an accent intentionaly once he moved? he neither sounds mexican like most of the turallis or wild westernman like the people in the north part.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
There is a brief scene where he mentions picking up an Eastern viera name when he moved to Eorzea and presenting himself as an Eastern bunny instead of a Western one. People changing accents isn't unheard of - especially if you're trying to fit in with your local peer group.

Not a completely unrealistic situation since it does happen IRL as a way to explain why he doesnt sound Icelandic like the prior viera we are familiar with


Potato del Grande
Eastern Bunnies are the FF12 all lingerie female with a rare chad male impregnating them all right? He's changed his entire name and accent to fuck Fran once a year.

There's some weird tribal sex stuff in this game.

If Wuk Lamat goes to Bozja she can have an entire simp kingdom of incel lion men.

Then Y'Shtola casually asked Graha if he's going to upgrade from Tia to Nuhn because he's high status enough now to start having sex (with her!?).

I guess it's all a legacy of these being single gender races at once point and needing explanations of why the rest are missing.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Eastern Bunnies are the FF12 all lingerie female with a rare chad male impregnating them all right? He's changed his entire name and accent to fuck Fran once a year.

There's some weird tribal sex stuff in this game.

If Wuk Lamat goes to Bozja she can have an entire simp kingdom of incel lion men.

Then Y'Shtola casually asked Graha if he's going to upgrade from Tia to Nuhn because he's high status enough now to start having sex (with her!?).

I guess it's all a legacy of these being single gender races at once point and needing explanations of why the rest are missing.
(Not directly related, but it brought up a thought.)

The lack of realism in the game is kind of jarring when it comes to different cultures, etc. Everyone is always trying to be "BEST FRANDS" every single corner of the world you go to. That, or it just seems like there is an abundance of Monsters that are "just misunderstood." "That Ascian is the most terrible person to have ever drifted through the Universe, but its only because he misses his home world. uWuuuuuu!" Evil sea monsters that terrorized Limsa and surrounding areas for eons, but you just so happen to find yourself being friends with them. wah-wah- wahhhhhh...

All that versus the early game where it seemed like all the city states were fighting each other and could barely get along. But because of you, noble hero, that you've brought them all together and all the races across the Universe are now holding hands in lockstep to defeat the next big evil! ... Its exhausting and I want them to go back to the internal strife. I say this, because even though you're talking about the degenerate side of the game - the designers have made the game feel like no matter who or what you are, you're accepted. Its just... off-putting.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Warrior of Light is a reincarnation of Azem and one of Azem's super powers was being able to unite and befriend people all over the world.

Most of the races at war don't fully trust the other side, but they did trust you (especially since you usually solve some major problem). There are also other factions within races that don't befriend you, like the red kojin or the giant faction we meet in DT (people misunderstood that interaction - they weren't friendly, their code required they pay off a debt and since we saved their lives they paid off the life debt and even let us know we're even and not to expect friendliness).

Also a lot of races were at war because of primal influence

But most importantly, not all the races are a monolithic hivemind. There are different tribes and factions within them, each with their own agenda or culture. The game makes it clear that sometimes rogue factions are what fucked it up for everyone because they broke an accord or treaty. Like the Dragonsong War - Dragons and elves were chilling until a group of knights decided they wanted more power and murdered and elder dragon to steal its power and ushered in a multigenerational war. The part I especially liked about that is dragons are functionally immortal, so while for the mortals 1000 years is a long time and they can't understand why the dragons are still so mad, a 1000 years to an immortal being is almost nothing and the grievance is still fresh in their minds.
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Potato del Grande
(Not directly related, but it brought up a thought.)

The lack of realism in the game is kind of jarring when it comes to different cultures, etc. Everyone is always trying to be "BEST FRANDS" every single corner of the world you go to. That, or it just seems like there is an abundance of Monsters that are "just misunderstood." "That Ascian is the most terrible person to have ever drifted through the Universe, but its only because he misses his home world. uWuuuuuu!" Evil sea monsters that terrorized Limsa and surrounding areas for eons, but you just so happen to find yourself being friends with them. wah-wah- wahhhhhh...

All that versus the early game where it seemed like all the city states were fighting each other and could barely get along. But because of you, noble hero, that you've brought them all together and all the races across the Universe are now holding hands in lockstep to defeat the next big evil! ... Its exhausting and I want them to go back to the internal strife. I say this, because even though you're talking about the degenerate side of the game - the designers have made the game feel like no matter who or what you are, you're accepted. Its just... off-putting.
Yeah it's the Naruto story arc.

It's fine, but Tural would have been more interesting if it was the opposite and nobody was ever going to get along ever, so you can to kill them all, in front of Wuk Lamat lol.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Warrior of Light is a reincarnation of Azem and one of Azem's super powers was being able to unite and befriend people all over the world.

Most of the races at war don't fully trust the other side, but they did trust you (especially since you usually solve some major problem). There are also other factions within races that don't befriend you, like the red kojin or the giant faction we meet in DT (people misunderstood that interaction - they weren't friendly, their code required they pay off a debt and since we saved their lives they paid off the life debt and even let us know we're even and not to expect friendliness).

Also a lot of races were at war because of primal influence

But most importantly, not all the races are a monolithic hivemind. There are different tribes and factions within them, each with their own agenda or culture. The game makes it clear that sometimes rogue factions are what fucked it up for everyone because they broke an accord or treaty. Like the Dragonsong War - Dragons and elves were chilling until a group of knights decided they wanted more power and murdered and elder dragon to steal its power and ushered in a multigenerational war. The part I especially liked about that is dragons are functionally immortal, so while for the mortals 1000 years is a long time and they can't understand why the dragons are still so mad, a 1000 years to an immortal being is almost nothing and the grievance is still fresh in their minds.
But when exactly do you as the character, feel that, in the story? I know the story you're talking about, and I would say all that shit (dragonsong) is still considered "early" game. I mean, you kind of go do that after the classic experience after all. I'm just saying, you never feel any animosity from anyone on a large scale.

Garleans, who were the reigning champions of fuck you for the longest time.. their storyline has been twisted as to it being "just the kings fault" that the rest of the world is at war with them. I know it was an Ascian at one point, Im just using them for example. But you really felt like the citizen Garleans, for the most part, hated everyone else too. Thats what made Cid and other characters special in my mind. They were turn coats, and out to help you because they believed in your cause. They were special because no other Garlean wanted to help, or was brave enough to step away. (Up until we had that one story where theyre being forced to do so by the same Primal shit that fucks with everyone else). ... Now though? Last I played, it felt very much like we were going to hold hands and dance off into the sunset together.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
But when exactly do you as the character, feel that, in the story? I know the story you're talking about, and I would say all that shit (dragonsong) is still considered "early" game. I mean, you kind of go do that after the classic experience after all. I'm just saying, you never feel any animosity from anyone on a large scale.

Garleans, who were the reigning champions of fuck you for the longest time.. their storyline has been twisted as to it being "just the kings fault" that the rest of the world is at war with them. I know it was an Ascian at one point, Im just using them for example. But you really felt like the citizen Garleans, for the most part, hated everyone else too. Thats what made Cid and other characters special in my mind. They were turn coats, and out to help you because they believed in your cause. They were special because no other Garlean wanted to help, or was brave enough to step away. (Up until we had that one story where theyre being forced to do so by the same Primal shit that fucks with everyone else). ... Now though? Last I played, it felt very much like we were going to hold hands and dance off into the sunset together.

I mean they did address that during EW - the distrust is so high that those sisters die horrible deaths to monsters rather than trust foreign invaders. The only thing that really pushes them to at least accept help is pure desperation because of all the shit Zenos did. There are a lot of parallels with end of war/post WW2 Japan, which I am sure they drew heavily from.


<Silver Donator>
Finally got to the attack on the capital city after what seemed like endless running around quests. Interesting that Krille was born another reflection. At least we can delve into that!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Finally got to the attack on the capital city after what seemed like endless running around quests. Interesting that Krille was born another reflection. At least we can delve into that!
Considering the story,
The people from the south isle that had the volcano problem was on the Source and used the artifact to travel to Alexandria's reflection. So her parents are at least Source-dwellers and any questions as to when she was conceived or born is irrelevant since Y'shtola already confirmed Krile has the same aetheric density as the rest of them. A "Neat" moment but the writers definitely don't want to deal with 1/7 deficiencies or render her incapable vs the other Scions


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
That part doesn't make total sense

People on shards are 1/14th the aetheric/soul density of an Ancient (in theory).

Most people on the Source are like 7/14 or 8/14 density because of the rejoinings.

We learned in Endwalker that the aetherial sea is apparently on a per-shard basis (Hydalean had to bring Minfilia and Emet's soul back to the Source)

So if 2 people travel from the Source to a reflection and have a kid on a reflection, that kid apparently has the same aetheric density as the parents. So what about the soul? Does the fetus/newborn suck in extra souls from the Aetherial Sea to make a more dense soul than the people on the reflection? A regular reflection soul isn't dense enough on its own.