What about the scholars actually healing then ? Fine with focusing on tank myself and then letting the pet top off the group as needed.
I'm not a mmo newb by any means and know how to manage mana and not stand in the fire
, just didnt want to queue as a healer for a dungeon as a scholar and then the group be like , fuck we got a scholar they can't heal well ......
I've healed everything up to the 47 instance. The rough ones I mentionned before are the ones with paralyze early on, Cutter's Cry last boss and Sunken Temple last boss, because you don't get the dispel until 40. You might want to buy consumables to remove it(not sure if shops sell it though and it's expensive as shit for seals).
Basically healing as a shcolar goes like this:
-On trash, throw a ward heal at the tank before pull and one more right after. After that you generally can just DPS, the fairy keeps the tank up on its own. If the tank is a marauder you might need to throw a few more heals every now and then, but for the most part, Cleric Stance+dot spam, Arcanist style. It speeds up clearing a lot too since you basically run 3DPS 1 Tank. Especially good with a THM who can sleep everything, then you can Bane your dots on all the mobs(Bane doesn't wake them up it seems) and focus on the main target instead of aoeing, and the fairy will very easily keep the tank up if there's only one mob attacking.
-On bosses, the fairy will do a lot of the basic healing, so you can focus on other stuff, like surviving. The fairy heals whoever has the least health, so she'll top people off who take random targetted damage, no need to heal them if they're not in danger of dying right away. I tend to use the aoe heal a lot though to keep the ward buffer on everyone. Make sure to use all your Aether charges in Energy Drains and use Aether on cooldown, to keep the mana high, you need to be spamming very inefficiently to ever run low on mana as a Scholar. Also rotate "defensive" cooldowns. Stuff like Ruin 2 if the tank is a WAR(it blinds, which generally PLD does with Flash but WAR tanks tend not to), Eye for an Eye on the tank, Virus on the boss, Rouse on your pet to increase its healing temporarily and the ground shit for dmg reduction if you feel you need it. Use the ward heal on the tank always(unless you just did and he still has the shield) but always use the normal Physick heal on other people to top them off as the shield tends to be wasted and the mana is a lot less. If low on mana spam Physick instead of the ward heal, it's more cost efficient as long as you're not massively overhealing and wait for the next Aether.
Healing as a Scholar is fairly relaxed, it feels like healing with 2 people. When someone is spiking you frantically try to bring them back up but the rest of the time you kinda look at everyone being full and have jackshit to do so you throw dots at the boss/mobs. The best part though is that your tank keeps getting healed even when you have to move out of the fire and shit like that, and it's not a minor HoT, it's a pretty strong heal. Worst fights are the ones where you fairy dies to shit, have to micro her a bit at times like in Sunken on first boss, you have to move her on the platforms manually(either by following or by placing it there) to remove Doom. It's a very fun class imo but the pet controls could use a touch up, specifically having per spell basis autocast toggle. Atm you either have everything on autocast, or everything off(the spam heal is still used). Using anything also toggles everything back on everytime, and stopping spells before they finish still put them on cd so whenever you use something be prepared that everything will be used. Also can't macro pet spells(you can put them on keybinds, but you can't make more complex macros with them).