Some details from the Live Letter.
Translated document from Rein.
A lot of housing information from the video. To plot buying, house customizing, furniture, etc.
WAR buffs coming, looking at global cool down timers, etc..
DRG buffs coming no real details
Coil boss issue with WAR vs PLD, one of the reason they are looking at a WAR buff
Ifirit tank stunning is boring, they are either going to give WAR a boost there or change the first a little
BRD nerf possible incoming, or either melee DPS buff coming. They are trying to put ranged and melee DPS on par for damage.
People are failing at Titan runs a lot, they suggest moving camera all the way out to help see bombs better...
Duty Finder changes incoming. On top of just the MVP system, there will be more information available to players on what to queue.
Tomestone caps my be adjusted based on Duty Finder categories they are setting up. (ie instead of a blanket cap, each category might have a cap)
3 new dungeons (1 new, 2 hard mode), and crystal tower coming in 2.1
Beastmen dailies are coming.
Treasure hunting, (rank up system, eventually will want to party up)
They are working on rendering issues for Behe/Odin
On going work on preventing botting and RMT
On going work on network/server/connection stability
Lots of housing options on customizing it.
To get a large house you have to first buy a small, then upgrade to medium, then large.
Land deeds will be sellable on auction house.
Parties with different jobs will build Limit Break Faster
Plans for player gardening and even group gardening for rare items
2.1 won't happen until around Dec.
Small house will cost around 850K
Not sure where the speculated amount comes from for a small house but it seems pretty fucking pointless if it's like the FFXI housing in so much as you can't interact with any of the furniture. Something to keep the female players happy I suppose.