Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)

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Molten Core Raider
whos rich on gilg, and will let me blow them for some gil? just hit 50 got my animus relic so far but that initial 100k literally left me broke... ive been vendoring everything as i level'd and barely had the 100k to buy some shitty book off the AH.

Someone told me to work on alchemy and eventually after the initial investments its one of the better profs to raise, anyone else got some money making tips? so far only have 2 daily roullettes open and thats like 8k gil dosent seem like much.


Molten Core Raider
Level 47 WHM, and really don't have much of the other classes leveled up that are needed. Was doing DD runs, that are pretty damn quick. Between a few of those, and the dailies, I should be able to hit 50 fast.

Problem is, all of the rest that I have to do. It's almost like a race. Can I get caught up before the expansion? If only for the fact that I don't want it to be a bitch and a half to get caught up when I have way more time come July.

And Kriptini's FC is probably amazing!
If you tried, i would probably skip the relic in general unless you wanna just get the ilvl 90 one kriptini suggest, its still a bit of running around (few hours worth) if you dont have to re-do trials etc.

But what people have told me in game is, more or less scrap it im at ilvl 75 and i havent even unlocked LoA or anything yet, all i have done is my dailys for soldiery and some hunts, wich got me full right side 100 right away, and like i said i got lucky someone in this FC im in gave me 100k for that first part(and farming atmas wasnt bad at all, only reason i went to atma part ilvl 100), but most have suggested to skip it, do your dailys unlock LoA and get enough gear to basically run through the story quest, and do each dungeon the one time(while you do story) buy a weap with soldiery.

My goal is to just hit ilvl90 for the expansion really and be caught up on the story, if i can experience the raiding ill give it a shot but i dont think this FC im in raids at all just some high lvl friends hangin in a guild helping people, i heard of valkD and that they still raid regularly so maybe i might try them for raiding and stuff if i get caught up to the story fast enough.

Anyone else here playing a summoner, or has played one during raids / pvp / just in general? ive been messing with a few rotations but i cant get anything to feel real fluid for a few reasons. 1.) all but 1 dot is casted and 2.) the GCD i think is the main culprit as to why i feel clunky, i cast my dots going in order of Bio2 > miasma > bio then(this rotation seems to be the best, but the times on the dots could be better bio2 lasts 30seconds / miasma 24seconds / bio 18) so you cast your rotation theres like 25 seconds left on bio 2 / 20 on miasma / 18 on bio, then once you cast that you manage your pet buffs usually once thats all done (GCD suck) your dots are almost ready to applied again you can get 1 2 ruins off if you're lucky, i could be playing it all wrong, i got all the cross skills needed to be a complete summoner.


Molten Core Raider
Summoner is probably the hardest class to maximize DPS, unless they changed it since last I played one.
It is, it just feels like im managing dots / pet buffs more than casting direct dmg spells, and thats cool if thats how i should be playing the class, but even then it just feels clunky any good sites out there i could go snooping around and ask a few questions, something like MMO champion for FF14?


Vyemm Raider
Summoner is probably the hardest class to maximize DPS, unless they changed it since last I played one.
Allegedly they're being reworked, but we don't know how extensive it's going to be. All we know is the current Tri-Disaster is being renamed to Tri-Bind and SMN is getting a new Tri-Disaster spell that applies Bio, Miasma, and Bio II at the same time.


Silver Knight of the Realm
It is, it just feels like im managing dots / pet buffs more than casting direct dmg spells, and thats cool if thats how i should be playing the class, but even then it just feels clunky any good sites out there i could go snooping around and ask a few questions, something like MMO champion for FF14?
Tec I can answer your questions. Shoot away. As others have said it is all changing soon.

Few random tidbits that are good to know...

1) DOTs are snapshots of current stats when you cast them. Raging strikes/potion/etc. will apply for entire DOT duration if cast/reapplied during it. Contagion included.
2) Shadowflare is part of your rotation for single target DPS. If it last the duration / target stays in it it is more dps over Ruin cast.
3) Always weave your non-GCD buffs (rouse/raging/etc) and Fester between instant cast spells. (Ruin II) Do not macro them all together will be a delay.
4) Put your pet on Obey and manually place their abilities on the bar. I.E. Contagion / AoE. Remember the pet "delay" is really them getting off their last cast/auto attack and waiting GCD. So if your pet, or get use to hitting abilities earlier than necessary to get them off when intended. One need thing I noticed after I came back from long break was the Contagion button works with titan/ifrit as their ability in that slot.
5) Poison potion is DPS increase in your opener if used with everything.
6) Miasma II contagioned does more damage than a ruin cast, so technically a DPS upgrade.
7) With Ruin II MP change it is now viable for pretty much any fight outside of FCOB to melee attack. If you use Ruin II you can get extra dps via meleeing. Bind it since we don't auto attack without clicking and some bosses it is hard to see if you are auto attacking if they are large. (Via icon)
8) Not using fester is a dps decrease, except with double aether openers. However Ruin2-Energy Drain-Ruin2 is a nice non-dot burst sequence for killing off small adds/mechanics and can be justified.
9) Any boss with reflect mechanics where melee and caster dps is can attack both. Reflect damage is on initial cast only not from the DOTs. Have fun doing insane damage on leviathan. Sequence of dots should not be bio2 - Miasma - bio, but bio2 - bio - miasma unless you surecast the miasma. The reflect damage interrupts.

Sure there is more little nuances I am forgetting, but that is a lot right there.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Summoner is probably the hardest class to maximize DPS, unless they changed it since last I played one.
Maybe it's from playing summoner since day one, but I still believe BLM is the hardest caster to MAXIMIZE dps on for any specific fight.

You get punished so hard for not pushing the limits of moving as little as possible and using Aether Manip.

I am talking the difference between maximizing and being great at the class. You can still do good as a BLM, but maximizing them is absolutely crazy on some fights. Not many do it.


Vyemm Raider
BLM has so many tools, though, like Aetherial Manipulation, Manaward, and Manawall. The only way to not do close to maximum DPS on a fight as a BLM is to just not click those abilities.


<Silver Donator>
BLM has so many tools, though, like Aetherial Manipulation, Manaward, and Manawall. The only way to not do close to maximum DPS on a fight as a BLM is to just not click those abilities.
Considering they all have lengthy cooldowns, not really no. Aetherial also has a delay to it so it's best used during a GCD and you need to have correct positionning before you need to use it. SMN can reposition at will by using Ruin 2 as a filler, BLM has to reposition when they get a proc, there's also effectively no randomness to the SMN rotation, you simply dot as they wear off and you only have to keep track of remaining durations to plan your next steps which is easy enough once you've played it for a while, meanwhile BLM has to keep track of mp ticks during every umbral rotation to correctly asses wether or not you use blizzard I as a filler after thunder or go back to fire, plus the entire concept of the class is based on random procs which you need to use correctly, especially once you get firestarter and thundercloud procs at the same time and so on.

BLM's definitely more technical I'd say. Making mistakes is a lot more costly too, being forced to move when you could have not moved drops your DPS significantly everytime due to the nature of the class, while SMN having a dot run out and being reapplied one tick later won't be a major issue(unless you Fester while it's down then it has a larger impact).


Molten Core Raider
dumb question, and i already kinda know the answer, but can all items roll completely different stats(values seem the same), i have 2 pairs of pants same item 1 has an extra stat the other dosent is that another lvl of RNG, or would you consider that like a warforged piece or something because it came with the extra stat, i noticed this in low lvl gear but is it like this all around at end game and shit, are values effected in the same way the pair of pants i have are identical stat values, one just has an extra stat.


<Silver Donator>
Only leveling dungeon drops can do that, pinks or greens I forgot which, I think pinks, are like generic item that can roll DoW or DoM stats. Everything at cap is unique and always drops with the same stats.


Aetherial/Pink quality items have random secondary stats that can roll in ways as to be a difference of 1 in stats (assuming they roll the same TYPE of secondary stats). All other, non-crafted gear has set stats and does not randomize that I know of. (Crafted items vary due to HQ versus non-HQ, as well as materia slots.)


Molten Core Raider
what are some good FC's on this server? is valkD any good? someone mentioned ningai, but im not trying to be super hardcore, sure i wanna try the raids out but i dont want to be that 1% anymore.

So i need a good active FC for the expac.

can anyone tell me how to remove that from my chat box? i tried sending a tell as you can see, but that just showed up at the bottom of my chat box, now if i type /t "anything here" it will change the text to whatever i type out reall fucking wierd, logging out doesnt work.


Vyemm Raider
It's not like EQ2. You have to do it like this:

"/tell Kid Kai"


You can't pick a player and send a message in the same line.


Molten Core Raider
It's not like EQ2. You have to do it like this:

"/tell Kid Kai"


You can't pick a player and send a message in the same line.
yeah i figured that out after, but i still cant get that odd little tidbit on the chat box to go away, relogging dosent work lol the best i can do is shorten the heyy, to He lmao.


Molten Core Raider
can i skip this entirely since i can reach ilvl 90 by just buying left side shit with soldiery and that dosent take long if you do hunts/dailys etc

Comeplete the quests, "Legacy of Allag," "Sanding it Down," "A Performance for the Ages," and "Labyrinth of the Ancients." (This unlocks the Labyrinth of the Ancients raid.)

6. Farm the Labyrinth of the Ancients raid. Dropped loot will be i80 left side pieces. Exchange any Tomestones of Soldiery you get for i100 right side (jewelry) gear in Mor Dhona. Keep doing this until you have an average item level of i70. (You need an average item level of i50 in order to enter LotA. If you have your Zenith and quested gear, you should be okay.)

7. Once you have an average item level of i70, complete the quests "For Prosperity" and "Syrcus Tower."

8. Farm the Syrcus Tower raid. Dropped loot will be i100 left side pieces, as well as "Oils of Time" which you can use to upgrade your i100 jewelry to i110 by talking to Gerolt's apprentice, Drake. As before, exchange any Soldiery you get for i100 right side jewelry in Mor Dhona if you haven't finished gearing that side by now. Repeat this until your average item level is i90.
Or is part of that process tied into the main story somehow and im going to need to unlock LoA/ST, im already ilvl 83 and i havent unlocked LoA yet, so if all i really need to do is hit ilvl 90 and finish the story it would be nice to skip that entire process of unlocking those.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You can skip them, as long as you hit ilvl 90 to do the last storyline quests. That's the only requirement.

Doing the 24 mans is normally just a way to expedite the process, but if you feel you can do it faster without them then by all means. Aside from the relic part of that list, it is really just a speedrun method, where you can effectively catch up to ilvl in a day with a little luck and some repetition.


Molten Core Raider
You can skip them, as long as you hit ilvl 90 to do the last storyline quests. That's the only requirement.

Doing the 24 mans is normally just a way to expedite the process, but if you feel you can do it faster without them then by all means. Aside from the relic part of that list, it is really just a speedrun method, where you can effectively catch up to ilvl in a day with a little luck and some repetition.
awesome then, yeah you get way more than enough soldiery if you catch the hunts, and do my 2 dailys along the way doing the story(unlocking hard mode roulette is nutts). I mean idk how loot works in this game and im not sure what has lockouts and for how long, but it seems like in the time it takes to unlock them(only 3 /2 quest but w/e) you end up farming it and unless you get lucky you're using soldiery to buy ilv 100 left side pieces anyway, i got really lucky with the wep taking it to ilvl 100 was easy worst part was the money to buy the initial book.


Mr. Poopybutthole
yeah i figured that out after, but i still cant get that odd little tidbit on the chat box to go away, relogging dosent work lol the best i can do is shorten the heyy, to He lmao.
Click the little chat bubble icon to the left in your screenshot, then select general. The game saves whatever state you are typing in as default, so you'll stay in tell mode if you just type random words to that guy unless you back out of it. I'm sure there's an option to turn that off somewhere in preferences. I leave it in general mode and just use the / commands for chatting to specific channels/people.