<Silver Donator>
As far as I remember reading, it was more along the lines of waiting for the may live letter to know what they are doing with the classes because he didn't want to reveal one combat change without talking about all of them at the same time so people get the whole picture. I don't think it was implied that they were going to change classes, at least not much more than any other potential solution, such as making gear fit for everyone with a "main stat" modifier(similar to the preorder earring) or whatever else.During fanfest, someone had asked if Dancer would be Dex like Ninja and Yoshi seemed to imply Ninja might not stay Dex. I wouldn't be surprised if melee DPS all go STR and all ranged DPS go Dex.
Making the gear more generic with all melees having the same gear would make sense though and would reduce how many armor sets they have to make(to compensate for having to make more for the new races). Granted right now the DRG and NIN gear sets are just recolors so it's not big anyway. It'd also make dungeons without token systems like the 24man way less a pain in the dick to get gear for glamours. Fucking current system is terrible as fuck.