Final Fantasy XIV (Guide in first post)


<Silver Donator>
Unless you're getting carried by your static, you shouldn't hold off on your weapon just because there's a better one. You might have to kill ravanah EX 10times before you get your weapon, and you'll be doing substantially less damage the entire time. There's just no reason to skip it, you're way better off with an i180 weapon and white armor than the contrary.


Finished my full 180 set 3 nights ago. Fuck the current state of hunts, it's basically guaranteed that I'll never level up a different armor type. That was some of the most boring grinding that I've ever done.
I turned in my poopsock a long time ago (Ahn'Qiraj for Sean banging the gong was the last of it!). They need to throw baby out with the bathwater and make A/S hunts a bill system that you activate at the site (like a leve), get your friends for, and try not to die horribly on. The way they are right now is both toxic and mind-numbing.

That said, I saw Valos online last night. He activated my trap card.


A Man Chooses....
This endless story quest post level 50 is murdering my soul. They have to know this turns off a ton of their potential new players. I've tried to enjoy the cutscenes but goddamn it's just too long.


This endless story quest post level 50 is murdering my soul. They have to know this turns off a ton of their potential new players. I've tried to enjoy the cutscenes but goddamn it's just too long.
The player base that loves story based jrpg mmo? No I don't think they are turned off.


Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
People in my FC are fanatic about the story. They take things very serious. It's odd to me. I like a good story but I just can't do this one because of the silent cutscenes and having to click through them. I'd love to see a youtube of everything played at once though.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Maybe its easier to handle/enjoy if you liked old school jrpg's back in ff1-6 days.
I agree. It plays like a standard JRPG from back in the day. One of the things I didn't notice, or appreciate, until I was done with the main story was that other NPCs dialog changed as you were progressing through a story. I guess I had been playing MMOs for so long that I got used to it being a fairly binary thing, they say one thing before the quest and a different thing after. It's a nice touch and helps add more color to the story if you're into that sort of thing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I dug the story and read every word, including sidequests and job quests and what have you. The JRPG comment is exactly spot on, as there are probably hundreds of games in that genre that have long, voiceless cutscenes that are daisy chained together. Granted, I've been a lore whore in every mmo I've played, so that is definitely par for the course.

FFXI had a boatload of long cutscenes as well, and really FF games in general just have long and involved cutscenes. Just their like, thing, ya know?


Vyemm Raider
I read MSQ and job quest dialogue and watch MSQ and job quest cutscenes, but I skip almost all of the dialogue for sidequests with the exception of actual storylines (like the CT and Coil quest lines.)

The post-50 pizza delivery quests are cancer and I can't believe most of them weren't cut with the release of HW.


A Man Chooses....
I played all the original final fantasies, I enjoyed them, I'm just not digging 12 hours of running around with no progression other than free gear and fights that everyone is now massively overgeared for. It's tedious. The story is fine but being forced to stop at 50 and do this is not.


I played all the original final fantasies, I enjoyed them, I'm just not digging 12 hours of running around with no progression other than free gear and fights that everyone is now massively overgeared for. It's tedious. The story is fine but being forced to stop at 50 and do this is not.
Crushing my soul too gilg. Had to put it away for a few days, honestly.


Trakanon Raider
At least you guys are getting exp for doing the quests. Yes, I am sure it feels like you're stuck. But you'll have more exp going into the expansion and won't have to dungeon- or quest-grind to the next level as early as the rest of us had to.


Golden Squire
Haven't played since the end of the original 2.0 story, almost 50 again on Gilgamesh. Is there a lot of post 2.0 story content that I can do without a preformed group?


A Man Chooses....
You get 5k exp per quest in the storyline post 50, it won't get you far.

Just did the steps of faith, it was fucking awesome.


Trakanon Raider
Haven't played since the end of the original 2.0 story, almost 50 again on Gilgamesh. Is there a lot of post 2.0 story content that I can do without a preformed group?
I'm doing it now. Not played since the first month of early access. On Jenovah.

Post 2.0 there are 24 quests per patch I think. So around 120 story quests added. I am up to 2.3 now. For every patch, there is an end boss of sorts that requires a group (easily puggable so far). The rest is solo. If only doing story from level 50, you will get to level 52 before you're done I'm told.

I enjoy the story, but I also enjoy the cut scenes on FF games and story progression. Never really understood why people get so angsty about reading and having to stop and pause from moving/pressing buttons all the time, but to each their own as I can't stand twitch like games with no story what so ever.

That said, I do wish I could chain some parts of the story together without having to do the "Go here, go there, go back, go there, go back..." The running around is the boring part, not the cut scenes. Story also gets better and better.

Also, Hildibrand story. Started off, not sure what I thought. But.... Starting to enjoy that. Very goofy though.


Vyemm Raider
Its funny because I only play the game for the story, do the raids a couple times to gear up sufficiently for the next expansion and done pretty much. (and also to see the cool bosses and environments a couple times)

I find the raiding and wiping to high end encounters because the DPS can't fucking stay out of the shit and DPS tedious, mind numbing, and gouge my eyes out boring. It's strange because enjoy games like Dark Souls because if I fuck up on a boss its on me but wiping over and over and over because people are having a problem with mechanics I can't stand. Feels so 2005.

So I love this game for the story but they can keep the mind numbing gear grind at the end.


Lord Nagafen Raider
This endless story quest post level 50 is murdering my soul. They have to know this turns off a ton of their potential new players. I've tried to enjoy the cutscenes but goddamn it's just too long.
It's pretty much the sole reason I play MMOs still, this in particular is not exceptionally great, but I think it's fascinating nonetheless. I can't understand those players who deprive themselves of sleep and possibly health by rushing to the "end game", skipping everything in the middle. Of course they like it so, more power to them, but I'm quite certain that without a main storyline and cinematics, a lot of people wouldn't stick to MMOs anymore.
There is something like "too many cinematics", in a few cases you could be right, see the scenario dungeons, where if one decides to watch them, will find himself not fighting any boss whatsoever.