Getting stressed about holiday shopping. I think that's as first world as it fucking gets.
But seriously, I think the majority of Americans are in the second world.
The third world is people who live in their own shit, don't have electricity, do menial shity tasks all day, consider late 40's old age, have no healthcare to speak of, and almost zero leisure time.
The first world is the ultra rich. People who live in mansions, work because they want to, can afford extravagant vacations, own yachts, and have lives that would make for interesting lifestyle television episodes.
The rest of us are in the middle. Second worlders: we don't live in shit, we have free time, we can afford high tech gizmos, and have access to healthcare. But we HAVE to work. We can live in lavish homes, but they're owned by the bank for 30 or so years as we slowly pay them down. We don't have shitty back breaking jobs, but none of us are really more than a few months (maybe a year or two) of not working away from being homeless. We can take vacations, but we have to scrounge and save for them and they're NOTHING like what the ultra rich do.
Sure. We're probably WAY closer to first world then we are third world. But we ain't in either category. Not really.