The first thing I said when I saw the pics was "That"s Portland Waterfront".
OP, it sucks when someone you think you can trust stabs you in the back. It"s worse when it"s someone you love. I feel for you bro. I just went through a divorce and it"s fucking awful. I definitely agree with everyone who said to divorce that bitch ASAP!
I also agree that you need to get yourself the best divorce lawyer you can afford. It"s going to cost you $2,500+ and that"s if you don"t go to court, but if you have assets that you don"t want her to have, it"s the best route. Get the meanest shark you can find.
You should probably also hire a Private Investigator, preferably one who specializes in or does work in forensic accounting. Your lawyer may have one he works with already. If you"re well off she could have been siphoning off money for you"re entire marriage, as well as seeing other guys on the side or whatever kind of shady shit she"s up to. A P.I. can uncover all kinds of useful dirt.
Definitely take any shared accounts and empty/close them, and put all the money in accounts only you can touch. Close any joint credit lines. Get a safe deposit box or a storage unit for larger assets. It"s even better if you can get the box or unit in someone else"s name so she can"t trace it to you. Take anything you bought her like jewelry, clothes, or other stuff that you won"t want to keep but is valuable, and sell it before you file for divorce, as once you are in divorce proceedings it"s illegal to liquidate anything that"s hers or that"s shared.
My gut advice would be to change the fucking locks on your house, and have the divorce papers in hand when she gets back to the US. You can also use the law against her, just go down to the court house, swear that she is verbally abusive and has threatened your life on 3 separate occasions, and you"ll have your very own restraining order against her, as well as the house, most of the assets, and temporary full custody of any children you have together. In some states they even help pay for your divorce attorney.
However it might be a better idea to have her followed for a while just to see if she"s keeping any other secretes that will help you in the divorce. But damn, I wouldn"t want some lying bitch strolling back into my house and having a chance to fuck my life up even more than she already has. Just MHO though, so yeah, take it as you will.
P.S. Tyen FTW!