All new video games seem to be 50/50 female/male in combat roles, and movies are trending the same way. Is this increasing female enlistment numbers?
Ligeti is a deep pull indeed.No, they won't. There were pop musicians in Bach and Mozart's day, too. We don't talk about them any more. More likely it will be people that you've never heard of that they will study in the future. Like Eric Whitacre, György Ligeti, and John Adams.
Ligeti is a deep pull indeed.
I raise you xenakis!
An inertial navigation system (INS) is a navigationdevice that uses a computer, motion sensors (accelerometers) and rotation sensors (gyroscopes) to continuously calculate by dead reckoning the position, the orientation, and the velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references.[1] Often the inertial sensors are supplemented by a barometric altimeter and occasionally by magnetic sensors (magnetometers) and/or speed measuring devices. INSs are used on vehicles such as ships, aircraft, submarines, guided missiles, and spacecraft. Other terms used to refer to inertial navigation systems or closely related devices include inertial guidance system, inertial instrument, inertial measurement unit (IMU) and many other variations. Older INS systems generally used an inertial platform as their mounting point to the vehicle and the terms are sometimes considered synonymous.
With stuff like cell phones, smart TVs, Alexa, Smart homes, etc, I think everyone knows that you can be heard and/or seen, and everyone claims different levels of discomfort and paranoia with that. That's a hell of a run on sentence. Anyways, I don't ever hear people talking about the IMU in cell phones or how the whole damn thing is essentially an INS. What type of cyber-Warlock invasion of privacy kind of shit can tech companies get up to with that info available in abundance?
I can't say I'm not upset about it, but I need a cell phone. On the other hand, I don't have an Alexa or GoogleHome or anything like that. Just a cell phone. I could probably get away with an old timey cell that just makes phone calls, but too much of my work is emails and texts as well.
I've got nothing to hide, but that doesn't mean I want everyone all up in my business either.
As far as shower thoughts though, why don't people use bar soap anymore? My parents don't use it, and I guess it's kinda out of fashion in the younger crowd too? I just don't feel clean without a good bar soap and a scrub, don't think body wash would cut it through the sawdust and whatnot I've had on me.
Shit like that always makes me want to take out my phones battery except when I want to use it but then I realize that'd take time and I'm lazy.
They tracked CIA agents doing Sekret Renditions from Iraq during Bush the Elders reign and charged them with crimes in Italy because of basic spycraft fails of that sort.
Most recruiters were telling recruits to use body wash instead of bar soap because you have to make sure the bar soap is spotless after each shower, including the little bubbles/foam residue. With body wash, you just have to wipe down the top.
Very first trip to the shoppette, T.I. said that everyone had to buy one of these things, and I've been using one ever since. Fuck bar soap.
With stuff like cell phones, smart TVs, Alexa, Smart homes, etc, I think everyone knows that you can be heard and/or seen, and everyone claims different levels of discomfort and paranoia with that. That's a hell of a run on sentence. Anyways, I don't ever hear people talking about the IMU in cell phones or how the whole damn thing is essentially an INS. What type of cyber-Warlock invasion of privacy kind of shit can tech companies get up to with that info available in abundance?
From Wiki:
Sounds like the tech needed to count how many steps you take or flights of stairs climbed.
Or the cadence of your walk, or your sleep patterns, or the time of day when your delirium tremens start to set in...
Extended periods of zero movement could be interpreted that way for most people, yes?You sleep with your phone on you?
Extended periods of zero movement could be interpreted that way for most people, yes?