You must be studied in a lab.I suppose, but when I'm in my house I tend to leave my phone sitting on my desk.
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You must be studied in a lab.I suppose, but when I'm in my house I tend to leave my phone sitting on my desk.
Or the cadence of your walk, or your sleep patterns, or the time of day when your delirium tremens start to set in...
I use equipment with internal INS in them, and they automatically upload telemetry data to a cloud account that I can view.Or how many times you go to shake other nation leaders’ hands and they don’t extend their arm while yours is still hangin.
The sheer magnitude of this conspiracy is incomprehensible. Do you think it tracks how many times you put your tinfoil hat on too?
I use equipment with internal INS in them, and they automatically upload telemetry data to a cloud account that I can view.
When other people are using the equipment, I can see where they are, how fast they're moving, if they've dropped it or flipped it upside down, if there's high winds, if they're using the fucking rolling-case on a gravel road, etc.
I need a tinfoil hat to believe that this information is used?
Most recruiters were telling recruits to use body wash instead of bar soap because you have to make sure the bar soap is spotless after each shower, including the little bubbles/foam residue. With body wash, you just have to wipe down the top.
Very first trip to the shoppette, T.I. said that everyone had to buy one of these things, and I've been using one ever since. Fuck bar soap.
With stuff like cell phones, smart TVs, Alexa, Smart homes, etc, I think everyone knows that you can be heard and/or seen, and everyone claims different levels of discomfort and paranoia with that. That's a hell of a run on sentence. Anyways, I don't ever hear people talking about the IMU in cell phones or how the whole damn thing is essentially an INS. What type of cyber-Warlock invasion of privacy kind of shit can tech companies get up to with that info available in abundance?
From Wiki:
That's exactly what an attack helicopter would say. Nice try though.Bandwagon finds out what an IMU is because drones and wants to sound smart so throws it into conspiracy theory.
U afraid big tech is gonna use info's on localisation of your cell phone for malicious intent? Fucking try hard, what's your background? Anthropology? Are you scared they're gonna detect the acceleration and velocity of your phone as you throw it against the wall? God damn armchair engineer wannabe drone pleeb. And to those who liked this shirt, are you seriously that retarded?
I've been using renewable as a word since I learned about renewable versus nonrenewable resources in middle school. Nobody has ever checked me before, so I'm not sure it's fopaux/taboo?Is that something people do? Call seedless fruits renewable? Or fruits? Or anything edible? Energy is the only place I ever remember hearing 'renewable' as a buzz word. And funny enough that only refers to shit like wind and sun that we have no control over.
Is it wrong that I think of myself as a would-be-rapist?
I mean, there's all kinds of these wonderful or nice looking women I'd like to have sex with, but let's face it.. I'm not rich or famous or even good looking. I know I wouldn't have sex with me if I was them. So, presumably, rape is the only way.
Is it wrong that I think of myself as a would-be-rapist?
I mean, there's all kinds of these wonderful or nice looking women I'd like to have sex with, but let's face it.. I'm not rich or famous or even good looking. I know I wouldn't have sex with me if I was them. So, presumably, rape is the only way.
Yes. Pay before rape. And when pay, don't rape.Maybe just pay for some sex pal?