The spelling of Desert and Dessert seem reversed.
De-sert =/= pudding
Des-sert =/= sand
I think they seem reversed, because double s is dessert yet when pronounced des-sert, what is said is the sand biome. Yet the "litter box" is spelled desert, but de-sert is how the treat after dinner is pronounced. In other words, they seem reversed because they're reversed.I'm not sure why you think they seem reversed. Are you high? Unless I'm reading your mushroom inspired post wrong, you've got the spellings backwards. The double s is the pudding. Single S is the litter box.
=/= is the shitty way to say "does not equal". So his equations are correct.
You cannot prove with 100% certainty that dinosaurs didn't meow.
You cannot prove with 100% certainty that dinosaurs didn't meow.
Saying "without further adieu" is, in itself, further adieu.
Also, something I never thought of until I tried to type it out, is it adoo? Adieu? Adew? Adieu is the only spelling spell check isn't bitching about, but doesn't that mean goodbye? How the fuck does that phrase make sense? "Without further goodbye" ?