Women make less money than men because they literally don't have the balls to negotiate a higher pay. That, or they make less because they are actually, inferior. Extreme example (but hey, ~equality), the ladies who go try out for the Seals. Damn near none of them make it. That extrapolates back to the workplace where equal rights feminists letswearourtamponsasearings shebeasts are the minority; the majority are normal sane chicks that have had it easy in life (fucking check your privilege women) and hey guess what, weren't challenged as much as men were when they were younger, and have less hardwork ethic. The big exception to that are the brainy girls, they fine, give them a raise. Shaniqua who spends 90 minutes an hour doing her nails and Former Prom Queen Kimberly that we all suspect has brain damage, yeah, they shouldn't earn as much as Ted the white guy who actually gets shit done at work. Fuck off anyone wanting to shit on white men. We get the work done and pay our taxes, we motherfucking enable America to function. Most guys when the boss feeds them a shit sandwich, eat that sandwich. Women won't. They know they can pull shit EASILY and get out of it. "You're gonna have to work late." Goddamn Steve, you're going the extra mile. Janice? So sorry that your knee is about to give out, we can't have it leaving you in a 400 pound humpty dumpty pile of non-regret, just waiting to sue us because of your fucking problems, now waddle yourself on home. I hope you live on the ground floor, in case the paramedics need to get to you.
... dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit she is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?