1. Sex - its a given
Since you're a stupid liberal I'll help you out bro.her finger is not even on the fucking trigger
Good trigger discipline can eliminate a large portion of those "I accidentally shot myself in the leg" stories you read about. It all boils down to one thing: keeping your finger off that little curved thingy until your ready to put a hole in something. This needs to be something beyond a conscious effort. This needs to be practiced and driven home until it becomes a natural reflex no matter what gun you pick up, even if it's one of those arcade games. You want to do it so often that it is permanently committed to muscle memory.
The easiest way, and this is the way taught by military, police, NRA and more, is to keep your finger extended and resting up on the slide or cylinder. By keeping your index finger there, you are making it near impossible to accidentally manipulate the trigger.
Headlines on the front of that magazine:
Headlines on the front of that magazine:
1. Don't be a victim: Stop Violent Attacks
2. Family protection
4. Everyday Heroes
There is a guy in the background on the right hiding behind a concrete wall.
There is a guy in the middle ground left holding his hand out to stop a gunman.
The woman on the cover is being a human shield for her child.
The entire setup is used to create the fantasy scenario of being some mall vigilante when a gunman opens fire. In that situation you might want your finger on the trigger.
But, who knows. Maybe shes just at the open gun range in the mall, without protective eye or ear wear, one-handing her pistol (ON HER PURSE ARM!) like a badass. While making sure daughter is close by to pick up all the tips and tricks.
Well, considering most 'Responsible Citizens' would be running away rather than trying to get in a gunfight in the middle of a mall ( which has many avenues of escape ). Also, I do hope that our subject has made sure, in the precious few seconds she has to aim at her target with adrenaline surging and fight-or-flight responses kicking in, that it is actually the shooter and not another 'Responsible Citizen' with a gun, or a security guard, or a off duty officer or any of a number of people who too would have a gun. Because that we be a big shame to ruin this anemic fantasy by pointing out that reality would mean she is just as likely to fuck it up as save the day.![]()
Finger OFF the trigger until your sights are over your target and aligned. Looking at her "right" eye is giving the appearance of target acquisition in progess. Since ya'all wanted to further analyze a fictional scenario used for photoshoot to represent a plausbile and actual scenario.
The last situation where this occurred at the mall, the guy was not some vigilante and just someone who wanted to stay alive.
It's a typical lib-tard belief that someone wishing to protect and keep their life is either a vigilante or cowboy instead of "Responsible citizen"
You sound like a fucking creeper that comments on videos on youporn.i would suck the spaghetti noodles out of her ass and pussy