Future negates a few of the other pills:
-Money: with Future, you can see what the lottery numbers are going to be, what tomorrow's bank vault combo is, etc.
-Death: with Future, you know where a target is going to be and what they're going to be doing; shouldn't be hard to set up a hit and get away with it.
-Disease Immunity: with Future, you'd know when you were going to get sick ahead of time, so you could either avoid being infected or prepare treatment for it.
-Painproof: with Future, you could see injury coming before it happened, and avoid it.
X-ray, Fly, and Drug are fun ideas, but I can't think of any major advantage they'd confer.
Wish has limited functionality, since the wish can't cover seeing the future, getting money, avoiding disease or injury, attracting or killing someone, or avoiding drug side effects.
Sex Appeal is a given.
So: Future, Sex Appeal, and Painproof IF Painproof confers extended lifespan from regen powers, a la Wolverine. Otherwise, Future, Sex Appeal, and Wish.