Part of my decision depends on how the pills are actually defined, like the Future pill for example. It says 10 years in the future, or any point in between. If that means 10 years from right now, and never beyond, then it only has limited usefulness. I'd rather have Wish at that point. If, however, it is just a maximum of 10 years from whenever I'm trying to see, I'd take Future in a heartbeat. Some of the others are equally questionable, like the Painproof one that was already brought up. Does it confer longer life? Can you regen from diseases, invalidating the Disease Immune pill? And the Drug pill seems like it should exclude all the other pills, because that's obviously the one to take first if not.
Assuming they work as they seem to be intended (and not how us nerd lawyers interpret them), I'd probably go with Wish, Sex Appeal, and the last isn't as big of a deal once you have Wish, but I'd probably go with Future anyway just to cover all bases. My first wish would be to have the functional real-world equivalent of Superman's physiology (without the Kryptonite weakness, and minus flight/x-ray vision if that violates the wishing for drugs thing). With the Future ability I'd be able to see if somehow my wish would kill me because I worded it incorrectly, like now I don't require air but my brain still does but can't get it, or something. After that, a few wishes to establish myself in a comfortable lifestyle, and then some more wishes to ensure myself a long, long life in an indestructible, Adonis-like body. And then banging sexual diseases into oblivion!