We need to explain to the NAACP that their name is offensive.Colored has been considered an offensive term for a long time because of it's prominent usage in the days of segregation.
People or person of color was a term that was coined within the civil rights movement itself back in the 60's.
Look how nicely dressed those poor opressed people are dressed.Colored has been considered an offensive term for a long time because of it's prominent usage in the days of segregation.
People or person of color was a term that was coined within the civil rights movement itself back in the 60's.
I was only pointing out the history behind the terminology to JT, with a picture, not engaging in a debate on the merits of their usage which frankly doesn't belong in this thread.We need to explain to the NAACP that their name is offensive.
He's going to walk beside the car and hold it while someone else drives. Like the 4 guys I saw in a car moving a mattress, had it on the roof and each guy had an arm out the window holding it down.
still not registering with me, however I am not really big on certain areas of current pop culture, and the googlie image search doesn't give me anything.Srsly?
Astonishingly unfunny, but thank you for taking time to educate me.Terrence and Phillip. SouthPark.
Astonishingly unfunny, but thank you for taking time to educate me.
Lighten the fuck up.You should kill yourself.