BF4 was the last truly good/decentd BF. BC2 and 1942 are goated. Vietnam and the Desert Storm one (I think that's what it was called mod for BF1942 that got its own spinoff) were also top tier.
I would love to see a resurgence of old school BF, Tribes, Team Fortress and Quake/Unreal games but I doubt it'll happen, and not just like remastered versions of those but an evolution of them. I've said that FPS genre (along with mmorpgs) are some of the most diminished/devolved genre from the golden days, unless you like survival/extraction/BR shit. This game will probably suck too don't give your hopes up. It'll be a great shell marred with systems designed around mtx monetization, which will have ultimately killed any creativity this game might have had. Its sad and depressing but its where we're at until some chad with a vision gets AI to program his game for pennies on the dime.