Its certainly possible, its just Barnes side of the story without any evidence. And he does make it very clear he was more than happy to do this all at no cost to Kyle and let everyone else take the credit. Though it seems theres an awful lot of lawyers that can just hang out on youtube 24/7, maybe its just a perk of private practice.
With how shit Kyle's representation has been(even us laymen pointing out insane overreaches by the State and lack of fundamental arguments from Kyle's lawyers) its clear Kyle's management is horrible so its not like Barnes is wrong about that. With how much money is at their disposal theres zero reason Kyle shouldnt have the absolute best representation and every possible resource on hand for the trial yet here he is where his lawyers didnt even bring in a ballistics/firearms expert in a case where the DA heavily emphasized the firearm and was spouting off out right bullshit all throughout the trial about bullets.
I think enough time has passed that I can share this here.
When my marriage ended, I had no idea what the fuck to do. My life fell apart literally in an instant and in a not dissimilar way. I'm in jail for a few days, I've got a restraining order keeping me from going home, almost lost my job, and all the bills of the household are in my name, even though I made 1/3 of the income for the household. My soon to be ex immediately stopped working, claiming PTSD or some shit and contributed nothing. My kids said she didn't even turn on the fucking oven for the 5 months I was out of the house.
I had no clue what to do, and turned to the guys at work, who told me to go to the wife of the union lawyer because she was a divorce attorney. I didn't get good vibes from her from the beginning because she was an absolute turbocunt who flew off the handle in a fucking instant (I even saw her treat her clerk very badly on multiple occasions. I didn't feel like I had any options to change course though, and the legal process moves so slowly that I just wanted my fucking life back, so I stuck with it and ignored my better judgement.
She consistently gave me advice saying not to bother offering shit in the divorce because my ex was unlikely to take it. I ended up lucking out and caught my ex in a moment of clarity after an issue with our oldest daughter, and we worked out almost the entirety of the settlement ourselves.
The last piece to negotiate was the fact that she paid nothing for 5 months while I worked 70-84 hours a week the entire time I was out of the house, kept the lights on, paid the mortgage, all the debt and even bought fucking groceries for a house I wasn't living in. My ex insisted I owed her child support because I wasn't living in the house with the kids. I provided all the bank statements, itemized receipts and everything for every single household expense that I paid and the DAY before the hearing, my lawyer said "I can't make heads or tails of this, you need to come explain it to me." That was the day I saw her flip out on her clerk while I was in the room working on this, and afterwards I saw the reason why...on her clerk's desk was statements for Keith Ellison (remember the MN AG who was in trouble for actual domestic abuse?). She was representing him too, and that's when I realized I was fucked and she wasn't ever going to do as much work for me as she claimed. That actually didn't bother me as much as what else I saw though....that she was charging him 75% of what she was charging me.
So, democratic machine? Give em a discount. This poor fucker making barely 40k a year? Fuck that guy.
I ended up losing the back child support hearing and any chance of cleaning up the mess of debt I was in after that debacle in a timely manner. I'm STILL paying off that shit.
So's really easy to get into a situation where you're stressed the fuck out and don't know which direction to go and one pivot point can change your entire life and have you in a situation you can't get out of until it's too late.