If Kyle "shouldn't have been there" then no one should have been there. I can actually agree with the statement "Kyle should not have been there" because no one "should" have been. Operative word being "should". The only people that "should" have been there were Police and Firefighters and because the police followed their orders to withdraw there was no way firefighters were going in. If "protesters", and their support structures (medics, food and water suppliers, media, etc.) "should" have been there then so should have counter-protesters and their support structures. You can't say one group "shouldn't" have been there while ignoring all the others that were that as well. The only people that SHOULD have been there were the Police and look at what they did.
If the police won't defend your community then it behooves patriotic citizens to do so in their absence and any charges related to citizens defending said community must also be levied on the police for abdicating their responsibility and/or the politicians who issued the order. Citizens in a lawful society should never have to take the law into their own hands, that is what the police are there for but "should not have to" does not mean the same thing as "may not have to" because just because something shouldn't happen doesn't mean it can't, or won't, happen.
It's largely irrelevant whether or not he should or shouldn't have been there, Rosenwhatever, short bald dude, shouldn't have been there and if he hadn't of been there he might still be alive. Same with the other dude that died and if that putz with the handgun handn't of been there then he would still be able to flex like a comic character. If you make the argument that "Mr. Rittenhouse should not have been there" then you must also make the equal argument that neither should have the three people that got shot.
The police should never, ever, abandon a protest. The moment they do they, the police and/or whomever issues the order to withdraw, should be equally accountable for any property damage, injury, and/or loss of life that may occur as a result of that withdrawal. If a soldier is given what is later considered to be a "bad order" they are accountable for not having resisted that order to "do the right thing", why are not the police being held to that same standard?
I'm ranting, sorry. **rubs temples**
Last thought, to you patriot citizens of the USA isn't their only one true community;
The United States of America and The Republic For Which It Stands?
Is not something that threatens one part of that Republic a threat to the Republic as a whole? Or am I just being melodramatic/romantic about the nature of Patriotism in the modern age?