Being cross-examined by a relentless prosecutor will make you question your own damn skin color.Anyone that wants to take the stand in their own defense should be forced to watch this in its entirety.
So you're saying you want to sit up there for hours going back and forth over and over every single thing you said and did as the prosecutor, who is trained in this specifically, tries to trip you up. Do you have any experience on the witness stand? No? Well he's got thousands of hours of experience grilling people.
Typically when you make someone break down and cry, you've gotten the best of them. What amareaves doesn't know because he wasn't really watching, is that it was kyle's own lawyers who made him cry.Based on what?
Same thing with "my lived experience". Which is just a fancy way of saying "anecdotal evidence"Like a year ago I said on here that "my truth" was a phrase to keep a lookout for because it usually seemed to accompany bullshit. "My truth" doesn't require actual truth or actual facts, because it's YOUR truth, your perception. Your "from my point of view the Jedi are evil!" autistic screech.
It has no credibility as a phrase and linguistically it's at the front line of this whole culture war of redefining reality.
I'm absolutely going to mail that Binger faggot the worst lapel pins I can find.
Dicks, tranny flags, Vader, whatever.
I dunno how many years I'll keep at it, but every few months I'm going to send that faggot some mail
Lol that's too much effort. If kyle gets off I'm just gonna send a letter that says "You tried", attach a gold star sticker and a lapel pin. Maybe an AR-15 one, since that's a thing. I've been browsing my options.I'm absolutely going to mail that Binger faggot the worst lapel pins I can find.
Dicks, tranny flags, Vader, whatever.
I dunno how many years I'll keep at it, but every few months I'm going to send that faggot some mail
Remind your dumbass friend that Kyle lived 15 minutes away and worked in Kenosha, and that the rioters travelled farther to get there than he did.
Typically when you make someone break down and cry, you've gotten the best of them. What amareaves doesn't know because he wasn't really watching, is that it was kyle's own lawyers who made him cry.
imagine going back in time and listening kamala prosecute all those joggersLiberals and children, even when they're prosecuting attorneys, all act the same. Assuming the prosecutor is a liberal, because I can't explain how had and bitchy his is in any other way than liberal mind virus.
Lol that's too much effort. If kyle gets off I'm just gonna send a letter that says "You tried", attach a gold star sticker and a lapel pin. Maybe an AR-15 one, since that's a thing. I've been browsing my options.
Him breaking down and crying is a lot more consistent with someone who went through a traumatic experience than a sociopath out to murder people.
Only in TV and movies does a person crying usually end with them fully confessing. Knowing the jury is majority women, I find it unlikely that the prosecutor bullying a crying child is going to work out in the prosecution's favor
If you do, make sure it's untraceable. That would be construed as a death threat.
I used to fucking SHRED pipe on my TechDeckMail him fingerboard.
I'm absolutely going to mail that Binger faggot the worst lapel pins I can find.
Dicks, tranny flags, Vader, whatever.
I dunno how many years I'll keep at it, but every few months I'm going to send that faggot some mail
Also he lived like 20 minutes away. It IS his community. These clowns are so tied up in the brain with "crossed state lines"I have a very good friend, former cop, who has been going off on how Kyle should never have been there and this wasn't his community. It is insanity. This is a person who believes in the 2nd amendment as a bulwark against tyranny, but I can't get it through his head that 1) Kyle gets to pick his community, not anyone else and 2) when the government and law enforcement abdicate their responsibility to the people and property (tax payers) then it is completely within a responsible citizen's right to go protect and defend the his community and its property from lawlessness.