I kept thinking it felt like a forum flamewar of olde. The prosecutor would ask a question, Kyle responded with something very rational and understanding, the prosecutor would then pretend like it didn't make sense, like when he was questioning him about the guy who had a pistol pointed at his head.... all his demeanor and the stupid questions that came next all insinuated that Kyle shouldn't have shot at that moment.A funny line of questioning was the prosecution noting he didn't live in Kenosha so it wasn't his community, and Kyle says he worked there and his dad lives in Kenosha. And the smarmy prosecutor says, yeah well a lot of people live in Kenosha!
Similar to the ammo back and forth trying to establish Kyle was some trained killer selecting ammo to cause the most deaths, and the questioning isn't going anywhere, so the prosecutor finally bitchily says, well you don't seem to know much about ammo.
Not making points, just frustrated and lashing out when they don't get a surprise confession.
Liberals and children, even when they're prosecuting attorneys, all act the same. Assuming the prosecutor is a liberal, because I can't explain how had and bitchy his is in any other way than liberal mind virus.
If you do, make sure it's untraceable. That would be construed as a death threat.
And I'm fairly sure that re-asking the question is against court rules.He's looking for a trip or inconsistency anywhere possible by reasking over and over and over. He's going for the "you decided to take police matters into your own hands" constantly.
More hot takes from the 'he shouldn't have been there' Propaganda Pushers.
Honestly, Kyle is going to live the life..
Make a couple million, never have to work again in your life, and all before you can even legally drink beer. On top of that, he got to shred a couple sex pests. This kid is the definition of #winning.
So guys.. the defense had a bad day today.
Putting Kyle on the stand backfired.
From all the videos and that testimony I don't see how a jury can convict. As much as I hate the "alternative" media, this one they got right.