An unfortunate realization really. They're truly beyond reasoning. You'd make fun of the lengths I've gone to in my efforts to convince some of the ones I know. It really is pointless and they are on a crusade to rot society from the inside out. The smiles and rainbows are a mask over their deep seated issues with envy mixed with their massive egos.
the problem is the care more about fucking minerals than humans. they've been brainwashed and propagandized to since youth to personify elemental compounds and identify with their wellbeing more than their parents.But everyone believes in something. Everyone believes in a higher power. They might not believe in a Christian God, but they might believe in something like "Equity for All." Or a Heaven on Earth Utopia. Or the State has become their god. They are serving those higher powers. The thing is, if you serve a higher power that your Ego has cooked up, it is going to end very badly.
chauvin went to jail for 23 years for being a white manAn unfortunate realization really. They're truly beyond reasoning.
oh shit its real
Can't believe that prosecutors still haven't figured out that OK meme is a troll after five years. Next up they will accuse Kyle of liking milk.
Oh, no, they know. They're using it's current hate speech definition intentionally. It helps their cases when it's used under its new redefined version.Can't believe that prosecutors still haven't figured out that OK meme is a troll after five years. Next up they will accuse Kyle of liking milk.
Clown world trial literally.
The judge isn't sympathetic to Rittenhouse, at least not with those rulings.
The judge isn't sympathetic to Rittenhouse, at least not with those rulings.
Imagine arguing in a gang murder case that sure the victim was attacking the defendant and he defended himself, but your honor, he was IN A GANG! MURDER!
Of course it'll be excluded. Dumb fucks.
Dunno about that one. Link to story/filings? My guess is they're trying to show intent that they went out there to kill him if they had posted/texted about him before. Hard to say without details.Yet they allow the FB/texts of them Georgia boys? Whats the difference? Legit question.