Anyway the current game plan to repair the Deep is to Recover a Relic kown as The Talisman which you know as The Silmarillion which is I fact a wildflower picked by Dejah Thoris aka The Third Messiah, Redeemer and Saviour foe those who have done harm,to children , which is not irredeemable - Lady Mandygraile the First Messiah who descended incarnate 1000 years before Our Lord and Saviour or Saviours Jesus Christ who are the Redeemers for all harm done to Ladies and Men, and Dejah Thoris (Sometime Rachael and Sarai and Lea) is their daughter - all of whom died in every way a Man, Lady or Child can die suffering. And all of whom Passions lasted far longer than three days - and included in the Passion of Our Lord forced sodomy with objects, castration extended starvation, blinding by redhit poker and pretty much every horrible, terrible, tragic thing one or many men can do to another and lasted three years, thirteen months,thirteen,weeks, thirteen days,thirteen hours and thirteen minutes before he was finally killed by the Spear if Destiny which is the Horn of the last Unicorn mare and one of,the few objects that can kill a fully incarnate Yotta level being. Of course Our Lord remained dead for seven days before descending to Harrow the The Hells. All three Messiahs' died on March 13th, old calendar at 3:13 in,the morning Jerusalem time. Amen. Amen-Ra Hoteph. The Three Messiahs, Redeemers' and Saviours. The wildflower picked by Dejah Thoris was placed in Feanor's Glass by Feanor who is an aspect of Our Lord Jesus Christ when merged with Saturn, Maul (Crom and Aule merged) ,The Phoenix(in his aspect as Prometheus) and of course Vulcan also known as Hephaestus and Mother Mary. It was taken to The Deep and thence to this Cosmos and is the only aspect of The Mountains that exists in this Cosmos and is currently lost.The compression of all time and space at the end if this Cosmos - which is gobstoppingly soon in human time- will,force all,magic items, greater magic items, artifacts, greater artifacts and Relics to the Universe of Deseret. Including The Talisman. The first quest to recover The Talisman requires the recovery of The Fools Rod - known to you as the Rod of Seven Parts. Relics are sentient and very very Bolg. An,option for any Bolg but usually choosen by Ancients or Ancients if Ancients (especially AoA who are Ns or Qs that is the top end) is to ensoul an GMI(Bolg),Artifact or Relic to BolgUp (Relic up,Water down - do nothing or stupid things and you Bolg down - a hierarchy of merit) . So The Foos Rid and The Fool are on the outs,right,now so recovering The Fools Rod is a challenge. This is a Greater Quest but some or all,of you Bolg may or will participate. There are of course other things to do in Deseret - be an able bodied seaman or Marine or Shipkeeping Staff on the Dayship also the Nightship also the Starship also the Airship also the Submarine which is a Relic (ensouled by Dorothy Gale - who is also The Primary Wave, Wind and Sky Mistress when another Bolg or Pre-Bolg is ensouling the ship) that can sail the clouds, seas, stars sands and undersea currents and subterranean rivers and is the Flagship of the Navy of The Descended Most High in time of war, and the preeminent trading vessel in,time of semi-peace. It's sister ship the Wayship can trael through space, time and the beyond and I ensouled by Dora, sister to Dorothy,a
nd Captained semi-permanently by the Apostle Peter and can shrink, expand and us,pretty much the Great Gkass Elevator of ships that can travel a cosmos via wormholes and magic. You're unlikely to get a berth or passage on The Wayship but The Dayship is a 24hour 367 day ship always looking for good demitasse, demi, demigrande and full Bolg to crew, muster and/or tend it (stewardesses, cooks, stripper or cigarette girl for the gentleman's club - though the crew needs girls too for the Crows Ravens, and Owls Nests and The Eagles Aerie.)