The trailer worries me a bit. I don't remember the original movie having an 'origin story' or any real attempts to go out of its way to explain stuff.
The trailer, with its 'First of your kind' and 'Just make me better' and meeting her creator. All that makes me worry they are going to go out of their way to explain everything. Part of the appeal of the Major was her lack of real backstory. SAC has some allusions, but I think leaving her a bit blank allowed for the movie to succeed more at posing questions about life and shit. It seemed more exploration of ideas and concepts. I have a worry this movie, instead of posing questions, will go out of its way to tell us the answers and in a way attempt to be high brow, but fail horribly by over explaining and making it kinda dumbed down. That the people making it will think the paying audience won't be able to handle some of the abstracts and philosophy, so it will be simplified and we'll be told answers and clear value judgements.
Fuck. Its like 1am here and I'm rambling, but I hope you get what I am saying.