can you negros do me a favor and not label every goddamn thing as "souls-like"
I originally ignored this title because of that Tag on steam and now i'm wondering how many other amazing titles I've missed out on playing because dumbasses don't know how to label video games.
This is an open world RPG, just like skyrim or witcher or any other title in that Genre. This is literally Witcher 3 with samurai.
Not to knock on Dark souls, I get the appeal for you young folk with great reflexes and hand eye coordination but at 45+ I specifically avoid games with that Tag because i'm too old to beat my head against a wall fighting against nature and aging and arthritis.
I too remember when games were hard. I beat battletoads back in the day, and that damn water level in TMNT. I get it. But that kind of game design was fresh off the arcade generation, back when games were made just hard enough to keep kids feeding them quarters but not so frustratingly hard where kids would refuse to play them.
Once we had consoles they decided they could just make the games as hard as they want and millions of tantrums, smashed TVs and broken controllers later they decided maybe we should ease up on this shit and they stopped making these things punishingly hard.
Also keep in mind those games fit on a floppy disk, had no saves and were only 1.5-2 hours in length, they were designed for a single play through so they had to make them hard so they took forever to beat so that they could justify the cost of the game. Making shit super hard for 20+ hours is torture idk why you kids do that to yourselves.
Anyway stop putting "souls-like" tag on open world RPGs.