Ghostbusters (2016)


You're being purposely obtuse, from the Hitman wonder, I wouldn't expect otherwise.

I was talking about movie reviews. You linked a Gawker article that was not a movie review. Now you're linking a screen cap of an actual movie review from, aghast at how is doing exactly what it's always been doing, while still not addressing my actual point in any way, and calling me obtuse while doing so.

I didn't say it's impossible to find a biased movie review. Certainly, fuckingSalonandGawker, who are pretty much DEFINED by their skewed view on things, are going to play up the misogyny angle. Also: Water is wet.

What I said was: if you're going to compare aggregate reviews from numerous professional movie critics who, in most cases, are obligated to at least make it sound like they know what they're talking about, with user reviews, who don't even try to hide the fact that their review is backlash against a perceived injustice and often contain no indication that they even experienced what it is they're reviewing, it's pretty clear which side is pushing an agenda.

Did you actually already forget Gone Home?


I have not seen the movie nor checked the aforementioned reviews, but someone complaining all male characters in a movie are stupid, coward or evil must not have seen a lot of movies or simply never realized the number of them where women are all stupid, coward or evil (off the top of my head, isn't that the case with the original Ghostbuster? I only remember a dumb blond student getting wooed by Bill Murray and a possessed Sigourney Weaver that becomes a vessel for the evil antagonist - disclaimer: I saw it just once and more than 20 years ago).
"Here's a bunch of fucking bullshit with a tacked on excuse why it shouldn't be held against me when I'm called out on being a loser."

SW- smart, talented, strong woman. (you also forgot (somehow) about Moranis also being possessed)
Anni Pots- reasonably intelligent, no non-sense (strong)
Thor guy - himbo.
Badguy- creeper
mayor - jerk

OG - they didn't shove a proton up Zule's hole to kill it (actually I think it was asexual)
GB'16 - shoot the MAN in the dick!

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
I was talking about movie reviews. You linked a Gawker article that was not a movie review. Now you're linking a screen cap of an actual movie review from, aghast at how is doing exactly what it's always been doing, while still not addressing my actual point in any way, and calling me obtuse while doing so.

I didn't say it's impossible to find a biased movie review. Certainly, fuckingSalonandGawker, who are pretty much DEFINED by their skewed view on things, are going to play up the misogyny angle. Also: Water is wet.

What I said was: if you're going to compare aggregate reviews from numerous professional movie critics who, in most cases, are obligated to at least make it sound like they know what they're talking about, with user reviews, who don't even try to hide the fact that their review is backlash against a perceived injustice and often contain no indication that they even experienced what it is they're reviewing, it's pretty clear which side is pushing an agenda.

Did you actually already forget Gone Home?
I'm not sure why you're citing gone home as a case where critics weren't pushing an agenda. Well I figure it's just because you're fully retarded but you might want to find a better example.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Gone Home is a pretty good case for the inherent bias within the reviewer spectrum. It heavily attracted SJW types to reviewing it because of the implied message, and major publications had their most favorable matchups write the reviews. It's why the player reviews skew so hard away from it; it clearly was reviewed with a great deal of bias. Maybe not directly pandering, but a lot of inherent bias. Ghostbusters reviews are -clearly- pandering, however. Not just biased, but very intentionally biased, while the Gone Home reviews were probably a little more self-selected bias.


I'm not sure why you're citing gone home as a case where critics weren't pushing an agenda. Well I figure it's just because you're fully retarded but you might want to find a better example.
I guess you weren't paying attention when we took an objective and analytical look at the claims of agenda-pushing in the Gone Home reviews.

We checked if the critics who reviewed Gone Home were the same people who wrote the "Gamers are Dead" articles... They weren't.
We checked if there was any obvious pandering to SJWs... There wasn't (except, possibly, the one review from a gay critic who connected personally with the game).
We checked if these reviews misrepresented or lied about the game in any way to make it seem more appealing... They didn't.
We checked if there was literally any reason at all to believe these reviews were anything other than the sincere and honest opinions of the critics who wrote them... There wasn't.
We checked if the user reviews contained anger and offense at the good reviews the game was getting... They did (not all, but a noticeable and significant amount).
We checked if they contained any indication at all that the person even played the game... In many cases, they didn't.
We checked if the number of user reviews was proportional to other indie titles with non-mainstream appeal... It wasn't.

You can ignore all that if you want, but we did our due diligence and the claims that the reviews from critics were pushing an agenda and the user reviews were as pure and honest as new-fallen snow were not backed up by any actual evidence besides "feels". And the fact that the people who made those claims are right now wringing their hands in anticipation, waiting for the user reviews to "prove" that the movie critics are pushing an agenda are, if anything, only further proving my claim that user reviews are far more heavily biased and subject to agenda-pushing than professional reviews are, ESPECIALLY for an oeuvre that has been the subject of outrage-based "controversy".

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
I guess you weren't paying attention when we took an objective and analytical look at the claims of agenda-pushing in the Gone Home reviews.

We checked if the critics who reviewed Gone Home were the same people who wrote the "Gamers are Dead" articles... They weren't.
We checked if there was any obvious pandering to SJWs... There wasn't (except, possibly, the one review from a gay critic who connected personally with the game).
We checked if these reviews misrepresented or lied about the game in any way to make it seem more appealing... They didn't.
We checked if there was literally any reason at all to believe these reviews were anything other than the sincere and honest opinions of the critics who wrote them... There wasn't.
We checked if the user reviews contained anger and offense at the good reviews the game was getting... They did (not all, but a noticeable and significant amount).
We checked if they contained any indication at all that the person even played the game... In many cases, they didn't.
We checked if the number of user reviews was proportional to other indie titles with non-mainstream appeal... It wasn't.

You can ignore all that if you want, but we did our due diligence and the claims that the reviews from critics were pushing an agenda and the user reviews were as pure and honest as new-fallen snow were not backed up by any actual evidence besides "feels". And the fact that the people who made those claims are right now wringing their hands in anticipation, waiting for the user reviews to "prove" that the movie critics are pushing an agenda are, if anything, only further proving my claim that user reviews are far more heavily biased and subject to agenda-pushing than professional reviews are, ESPECIALLY for an oeuvre that has been the subject of outrage-based "controversy".
Oh I figured out why you used gone home as an example. To try and bait someone into an argument we already had 2 fucking years ago in an attempt to restart it and " win" again.

Not this time faggot. Also I didn't read your post.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I was talking about movie reviews. You linked a Gawker article that was not a movie review. Now you're linking a screen cap of an actual movie review from, aghast at how is doing exactly what it's always been doing, while still not addressing my actual point in any way, and calling me obtuse while doing so.

I didn't say it's impossible to find a biased movie review. Certainly, fuckingSalonandGawker, who are pretty much DEFINED by their skewed view on things, are going to play up the misogyny angle. Also: Water is wet.

What I said was: if you're going to compare aggregate reviews from numerous professional movie critics who, in most cases, are obligated to at least make it sound like they know what they're talking about, with user reviews, who don't even try to hide the fact that their review is backlash against a perceived injustice and often contain no indication that they even experienced what it is they're reviewing, it's pretty clear which side is pushing an agenda.

Did you actually already forget Gone Home?
Gone Home. "I'm an angsty lesbian teenager and my parents left the house and the country after they found out I was gay. Along with the Dog. Oh hey, some Nintendo games."


privileged excrementlord
Is Spy really that good? I've seen a lot of praise for it coming from McCarthy haters.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I thought the big female empowerment movie was already made? It was called mad max and was universally awesome? Who gives a shit about this hack reboot?


Are we using the Royal We? Who the fuck are you talking about?
Well, after Cadsuggestedthat the positive reviews for Gone Home were from the same people who wrote the "Gamers are Dead" articles and who were on the GameJournoPros list, Quaidproduced a list of those people.

We crossed-checked the list with the actual reviews and found very little overlap. We also did everything else I mentioned, but you can just keep reading from what I've linked if you'd like to see for yourself. It happened, dude. Maybe you're used to having your "feels" go unchallenged, but in this case we actually made the effort to see if the claims held up. Turns out they didn't.


Ssraeszha Raider
I thought the big female empowerment movie was already made? It was called mad max and was universally awesome? Who gives a shit about this hack reboot?
The female empowerment movie(s) came way earlier than Fury Road. They were called Alien and Aliens. Then you've got your Terminators, Silence of the Lambs, Kill Bill, Underworld, Resident Evil, Hunger Games, half the movies Angelina Jolie is in, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, bunch of movies with Emily Blunt, etc.

The lack of strong female characters in film is a straight-up myth. I can list them for days and they're all among my favorite movies. We can take it to television too. Anyone wanna argue that the most recent Game of Thrones season portrayed women as weak and incapable?


Molten Core Raider
People are more invested in the drama surrounding the movie than the movie itself. I've never seen anything like this ever.



Bronze Baron of the Realm
Lucky China.

Denied Release in China

China's official censorship guidelines technically prohibit movies that "promote cults or superstition" - a holdover from the Communist Party's secular ideology - and the country's regulators occasionally have been known to use this obscure provision as rationale for banning films that feature ghosts or supernatural beings in a semi-realistic way (Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest suffered such a fate in 2006, thanks to its depictions of ghouls and cannibalism).


Unsurprisingly, there is no small dose of hypocrisy in the application of this criteria when you consider one of the recent chinese blockbuster, Mojin, is about raiding for treasures in haunted tombs! Also are mermaids supernatural beings? Because the latest super hit in China is Stephen Chow's The Mermaid (which is pretty funny btw but not as good as Kung Fu Hustle in my book).


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Just like here.
Yes, ReRolled. A small online community who hates on pretty much anything SJW-like(with good reason) isjust likethe mass media pushing a misogyny narrative because people are hating on what looks like a cheesy reboot of a much loved franchise. We really are just like the thing we hate!