Ghostbusters (2016)


Deus Vult
Got into it with my wife this morning. I said it looks bad and on another point remaking movies with all women is political crap anf I'm not supporting it. She goes off about how I'm being political and sexist. I point out that she doesn't shop at Hobby Lobby(abortion), Walmart(well that list is too big), Chik Fil et or whatever, not sure what the owner of thats problem is. Anyways hypocrisy at its best.


Trump's Staff
Got into it with my wife this morning. I said it looks bad and on another point remaking movies with all women is political crap anf I'm not supporting it. She goes off about how I'm being political and sexist. I point out that she doesn't shop at Hobby Lobby(abortion), Walmart(well that list is too big), Chik Fil et or whatever, not sure what the owner of thats problem is. Anyways hypocrisy at its best.
Don't fight with your wife over Ghostbusters dude.


I'm actually astonished to see any women supporting this. This isn't a female empowerment thing; it's MEANT to be, but all it really shows us is that Hollywood's version of WOMAN POWER is just recycling old roles and throwing women into them.

I'd have been far more on board had they rewritten a script specifically for those actresses, but they didn't.

Remaking shit and just throwing women into them is a hand out man, tell your wife that. Same with making Thor a female, etc. It's fucking dumb really to make a political stance in a movie, and than make that stance with a remake of a beloved film, and it's beyond fucking stupid that somehow Feig is getting props for this horseshit. Like it really boggles my mind that some women are ok with recycled IPs, instead of new and interesting things that are made for women. And not made for them because they think it'll be good politically, but because they actually, truly, have a well written, good role that was written with the idea of a specific actress/actresses in mind.

That's how good movies are done, and that's how the original Ghostbusters happened.


Deus Vult
I agree Ladyvex well said. I said the same thing to my co-workers this morning. If it was a sequel and written well then fine. We have tons of good comedies with all women's casts that are enjoyable this is just political crap.


Millie's Staff Member
I'm actually astonished to see any women supporting this. This isn't a female empowerment thing; it's MEANT to be, but all it really shows us is that Hollywood's version of WOMAN POWER is just recycling old roles and throwing women into them.

I'd have been far more on board had they rewritten a script specifically for those actresses, but they didn't.

Remaking shit and just throwing women into them is a hand out man, tell your wife that. Same with making Thor a female, etc. It's fucking dumb really to make a political stance in a movie, and than make that stance with a remake of a beloved film, and it's beyond fucking stupid that somehow Feig is getting props for this horseshit. Like it really boggles my mind that some women are ok with recycled IPs, instead of new and interesting things that are made for women. And not made for them because they think it'll be good politically, but because they actually, truly, have a well written, good role that was written with the idea of a specific actress/actresses in mind.

That's how good movies are done, and that's how the original Ghostbusters happened.
and its really not an empowering film from the scenes shown in those trailers. gimme fucking ripley with her BFG blowing up xenomorphs any day of the week over this shit. they start off working out of a chinese restaurant, im sure there will be no stereotypical asians in any of those scenes either. its all just a marketing gimmick to prop up pascal.


Buzzfeed Editor
Gamergate. LOL. They really can't help themselves, their religion demands it.

So I ask him why he bothers responding to trolls (something he's been doing a lot of around the time of this interview). "It's the same thing that the women went through with Gamergate," he says. "They were just getting hammered, and everyone says 'Well, why don't you just go offline?' But it's like getting chased out of your neighborhood ... I love the internet. I think it's the greatest tool we've ever had. I can communicate with people, I can get what people are feeling, whether it's negative or positive. And so, no, I don't want to get chased off the internet. I've never blocked anybody. And there are some people I'd love to block."

Ten follow-up questions spring into my mind. Surely Feig is not subject to the specific, direct, vile physical and sexual threats that women who find themselves targets of Gamergate are. The vitriol against his film may be misogynistic, but the vitriol against him personally cannot be of the same nature as that against his female leads. It's a dicey position to be in, a white male filmmaker standing against a tide of uniquely contemporary white male anger while you're just trying to make a fun comedy with ghosts in it. But of course, I can't follow up.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Too bad it's not just GG that's sick of your liberal PC bullshit. Reddit admins must shit themselves every time they see The_Donald hitting the front page.

*Deal With It*


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Remember when the Oscar's turned into Soul Train? Remember how cringing that was? This is the along those same silly lines. Tone it down Hollywood. Tone it down. Maybe that fat chick coulda played the secretary or some shit. Left it at that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
3) These quotes:

"What I'm saying is the Terminator Genisys trailer DOES literally erase the characters and history and ENTIRE MOVIES you loved (well, just me, I guess). It says "the characters you liked are gone, here are their replacements." Just thinking about it makes my blood boil."

"Everything about terminator genisys baffles me. it literally removes the most beloved films from continuity and undercuts the entire POINT of the franchise (John Connor, savior of humanity). the fact that THAT trailer has more likes than dislikes boils my blood."

People are angry about ghostbusters for those exact quoted reasons above, but for some reason his hatred towards genisys is more valid than our hatred for ghostbusters.

Absolutely astonishing at the lengths people are going to to defend this sham of a fucking movie.
His hatred of Genisys doesn't even make sense and shows how little he understands films. The Terminator series involves time travel. The whole premise of Terminator is that it's a war being played out through attempts to alter the timestream. Genysis isn't a reboot. It didn't erase any characters. Arnie wasn't gender-swapped to a female Terminator in some shallow attempt at feminism. Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor are the same characters. It also doesn't erase the previous movies. They are earlier battles against Skynet (Genysis literally wouldn't make any sense if those movies were erased since they are a significant element of its plot). Terminator and time travel allow for those movies to still be part of the story even if the events have been changed.

I'm not defending Genisys as a good movie, but if you're going to gripe about it, at least understand the plot. It really isn't a valid comparison to Ghostbusters in the least.

I'm actually astonished to see any women supporting this. This isn't a female empowerment thing; it's MEANT to be, but all it really shows us is that Hollywood's version of WOMAN POWER is just recycling old roles and throwing women into them.
It amazes me that the same people who were tearing Marvel/DC apart a few years ago for not having enough female writers since "men don't know how to write women characters" now applaud things like female Thor and gender-swapped Ghostbusters. Female characters were supposedly written poorly and turning male characters into females - instead of creating new and interesting female characters - is not only an acceptable solution to that but something that is being cheered as being progress?


Avatar of War Slayer
The Genysis thing is weird. and I think LadyVex is actually wrong.
"What I'm saying is the Terminator Genisys trailer DOES literally erase the characters and history and ENTIRE MOVIES you loved (well, just me, I guess). It says "the characters you liked are gone, here are their replacements." Just thinking about it makes my blood boil."
People are angry about ghostbusters for those exact quoted reasons above
I'm understanding, Vex saying people hate the new Ghostbuster for erasing the characters and history right?
Because Genisys is not the only movie that did that. StarTrek did exactly that as well with time travel, which James even talks about. He argued that bringing in Nimoy as Spock, and having him around still justifies it. I don't know personally. I am inclined to say bringing in Nimoy and having a timetravel reason for the universe reboot.(DC comics?), doesn't really justify some of the massive changes in character. Varying degrees of respect is given.

People certainly don't LIKE these things. but, I think you would be wrong, saying thats why they hate it. I suppose its the "is it good" question. if you are going to shit on the history, it better be good.


You're trying a little hard, and nitpicking for some ungodly reason. My point is not that those are the only reasons people are mad; the author of that article simply references genisys and how that trailer should be infinitely more hated than ghostbusters because of his quoted reasons. Yet all of those reasons have been applied to ghostbusters - had they continued the history, not shit all over the old films...had the old ghostbusters still existed in this world, and/or had they not treated the entire franchise like the old movies didn't exist and THEN throw back to the old movies just to reel us in with nostalgia...yea, I think people would be far less angry.

There's many more reasons to not want to see this movie; but he's just showing how click baity he wanted that article to be by using an opinionated example that almost exactly mirrors major criticisms of the new film. (Whether he is actually correct about genisys, the point still stands that he is saying very similar things.)

And just because old films revamped shit and made other things obsolete, doesn't mean that can't be an issue in this one. Not to mention that your example is one specifically with time travel - Feig's entire thing with this is that the old ghostbusters never existed, no time travel necessary. These new ghostbusters are the only ones in this universe and those awesome movies, (Hell, I even liked the cartoon as a kid) are merely a figment of your imagination. You probably need meds. Time travel changes things, but it at least ACKNOWLEDGES the fact that they existed in the first place.

I don't even know what the hell your post is for, lol. "No guys, that is totes wrong. I know, I am the entire internet."

Check any major written/filmed review, and one of the main things you are gonna hear is how shitty it was that the old ghostbusters don't exist, and then on top of that, a lot of them are in the new film in cameo roles THAT AREN'T EVEN THE OLD ONES.

Like Potts plays a god damn hotel clerk. Wtf man. If she doesn't at least answer a phone with, "Yes, we're back" Feig can get dick cancer.

Edit: And just in case you for some reason actually DON'T know this, (though I would assume you've been doing some small amount of paying attention if you're interested enough to post) the reason the old guys not existing in the new movie is something people hate is that we've all been waiting for years for ghostbusters 3. There's been a script that has been sat on forever with no traction, largely due to Murray. Then Ramis dies, we start hearing some news out of it, and it's this horseshit.

There have obviously been reboots that have completely rewritten history, but I don't know if there's ever been something so highly anticipated, massively wanted etc, that basically just got thrown in our fucking face and was made some political fucking message to boot.

I said before that the reason ghostbusters was so amazing was because it was those specific guys and the script was written for THEM. The biggest atrocity is not that they are women, (though it's annoying, and it's only annoying not because they're females but because they are there to further someone's agenda and not because they were the best people for it) it's that they are anyone else but the originals. It's that they are anyone else but the actual ghostbusters and then we don't even give a respectful nod to what came before. It's that Spengler slept with slime and that was hilarious but it didn't happen. It's that Stantz created a giant marshmallow dude that almost decimated an entire city but that didn't happen and now we have a similar character as if it could ever be equivalent. It's that Venkman could have had all new cheap moves in this movie, but he's going be Cameo_dude_08 instead. It's that Zeddemore got yelled at in a tunnel with a creepy as fuck voice and you legit freaked out as a kid, but now instead, we're gonna have Jones screeching like a stereotypical black persona, even though Hudson never played that character to begin with.

It's that all 4 women play the exact same roles the guys did, BUT THEY AREN'T Murray, Ramis, Aykroyd or Hudson. You are flipping insane if you don't think people are massively upset about the idea that those dudes never existed in this new ghostbusters universe. That may not be the only reason, and it may not be "everyone's" reason, but it's still "a" reason that's been thrown around quite often, which was the point. That if dude could say he hated genisys for that reason, and then not recognize the irony in the fact that several online reviews have stated similar things, then he can go fuck himself.


Log Wizard
You guys know Ghostbusters never happened in real life, right? Like it's all a movie? Like make-believe?


Golden Squire
You guys know Ghostbusters never happened in real life, right? Like it's all a movie? Like make-believe?
Apparently nowadays when you don't like the concept of something, instead of just ignoring it and going about your business you have to obsess over it relentlessly to your own detriment.


Apparently nowadays when you don't like the concept of something, instead of just ignoring it and going about your business you have to obsess over it relentlessly to your own detriment.
Again, the shit that's weird isn't so much the fanboys crying. It's the people crying about the fanboys not liking it. People expressed anger and dislike to begin with, and then everyone tried to turn it around as misogyny and obsession.

It could just be that it's fucking dumb and it's been utterly blown out of proportion by the ridiculous amount of people who are attempting to sweep it under the rug and white knight it.

Very few movies have I ever seen this much angst against fans who dislike something.

In a similar vein, you could also just go about your business and not post in an entire thread that is specifically dedicated to the movie. I mean, really.

"Stop talking about a movie, in a thread about a movie, in a sub sub forum about movies, in a sub forum about entertainment, on a video game message board, guyz."


Golden Squire
Except I don't hold such a lofty opinion either way about the movie. I was 9 when the original came out, I saw it in the cinema and loved it.

Some of the original cast didn't want to carry on the franchise and at this point they're too old or dead anyway so who cares if they reboot it? You don't have to go see it.

When Michael Bay took massive shits in the form of Transformers movies I didn't sit around wailing and gnashing my teeth I just didn't give them my money.

False outrage over absolutely trivial subjects is the defining factor of this generation and it's only getting worse because the vocal minorities have a giant platform to spout shit from all day.