It's gift without the t. Anyone who says otherwise is just wrong.
Do bartenders look at you funny when you order this stuff?
How many of these (at least the ones that can be mashed into a pronounceable word) do you say with a 'J' sound instead of a hard 'G' sound?
Everyone who pronounces it with a hard "g" is supporting rape culture
lol was wondering why I was getting Picard'd all of a sudden, 2013 thread, really guys?
I'll just leave this here:
View attachment 150485
lol was wondering why I was getting Picard'd all of a sudden, 2013 thread, really guys?
I'll just leave this here:
View attachment 150485
lol was wondering why I was getting Picard'd all of a sudden, 2013 thread, really guys?
I'll just leave this here:
View attachment 150485