Also the creator of the JPEG says you have to pronounce it GayPeg now so that there's less confusion with JIFs.
Maybe Gif vs. Jif is regional? I can't remember ever meeting someone who called it 'Jif.'
Soft G when followed by "e", "i", or "y" is the rule, words like "gift" are exceptions. Do you want GIF to be an exception too?
This is like politics, the progressives always re-interpreting the rules.
Wow I didn't know there was still faggots around that pronounced it Jif. You need to have a think about your life choices.
How To Really Pronounce GIF
That website's sole purpose is to sell mugs and t-shirts, why are you linking them?
Wow I didn't know there was still faggots around that pronounced it Jif. You need to have a think about your life choices.
How To Really Pronounce GIF
How is it the logical pronunciation?
Every word that starts with G, then a vowel, then an F, is pronounced with a hard G. For example:
Gaffe. Gift. Guff. Guffaw.
Most one-syllable words that start with G have a hard G (not an exhaustive list):
Gab. Gad. Gag. Gal. Gam. Gap. Gas. Gay. Get. Gig. Gill. Gimp. Gird. Girl. Git! Give. Go. Goal. Gob. God. Gone. Gore. Got. Guide. Guild. Guilt. Gull. Gulp. Gum. Gun. Gust. Gut. Guy.
The word “gift” is the closest word to GIF, and it has a hard G. To pronounce GIF, just say “gift” without the “t”.
Say gift without the t
What about Gin, Gem, Gym, Geo, and Gel?
Gin is not a good counterexample because it’s a drink derived from juniper berries, so its name is from the Dutch jenever for “juniper”. Gem comes from the Latin gemma for “jewel”. As for the other words, they are abbreviations of larger words, so they inherited their pronunciations.
The only people who pronounce it "jif" are people who actually took the time to look it up so they can be right and signal how smart they are for knowing what the creator says. They get to feel special and swoop with their faggoty correction anytime someone pronounces it like a normal person would.
Talking about grammar rules and all this shit is stupid. Anyone who says "jif" is a huge faggot. Its indisputable. This is everyone who says it.