Christ, what a night. Got a text from an old friend a few weeks back, saying his girlfriend had a friend I should meet named Barb. He gave me her name so I could creep her a bit on Facebook, as I"m friends with his GF as well and the two of them are in a ton of pictures together. Seemed cute, so I told him that the 4 of us should go to an Oilers game as an introduction. We went last night, and what a fucking gong show.
We met for a couple drinks beforehand, and initially she was really quiet and shy. She didn"t seem drunk or anything, the girls had a couple glasses of wine while my bud and I had a beer and burger. Barb didn"t eat anything, said she wasn"t hungry. Probably a mistake. She"s also maybe 110lbs soaking wet.
Either way, we get to the rink, grab a few beers and sit down in our seats. She immediately decides that when Montreal scores, the boys will have to do a shot and vice versa when Edmonton scores. The other 3 of us are like "uhm, they don"t serve shots here and it"s a pain in the ass to even get a beer." She seems disappointed. When the Oilers score, she jumps up and spills her beer all over herself, me, and the row in front of us. We were up in the nosebleeds so people just laughed it off (dude beside us got thrown out in the second period, we broke up a fight after the game on the concourse, good times). In the first intermission the girls go to the bathroom and I say to my bud "jesus is she always this much of a lightweight? She"s hammered." He"s surprised too and says normally she holds her own.
We get a few more beers and continue watching the game. I get a text from my bud who obviously talked with his GF, saying that apparently she was nervous during the day and the two girls had started drinking wine at lunch. So the heroin hockey beers put her over the edge, apparently. Halfway through the second she decides she wants some pizza. I needed to take a leak anyways, so I go with to babysit her. I come out of the bathroom and she"s got half a dozen slices stacked up. For who I don"t know, the other 3 of us said we were good. We go back to our seats, and as she"s sitting down she drops a slice on the head/hat of one of the guys in front of her. Thankfully crust down, so his hat didn"t get all greasy. She proceeds to hand out pizza to people around us and quickly becomes popular amongst the sea of dudes. A couple guys make comments to the effect of "jesus dude, get your girlfriend under control." "I just met her, actually." "Nice, bag that shit. Or if not bring her to the Pint after so I can." Classy.
After the game she pretty much invites herself back to my place. I"m thinking it"s already in the bag, given her behavior. For those who don"t remember the pics I"ve posted of my place, my bedroom just has a glass wall, with curtains that hang from the top of the wall. I"m giving her the tour of my place and walk through the doorway. She apparently doesn"t observe that, and proceeds to walk full speed in to the glass wall and smashes her toe, knee and face in to it. The look on her face for 5-10 seconds was fucking priceless, complete and sheer confusion that slowly turns to anger and embarrassment as I stand there doing everything I can to not fall down on the floor laughing. God it was funny.
After that we watched some TV for a bit on the couch and hit the sack. Turns out that despite her behavior she"s not a first date lay kinda gal, and has actually only been with two guys in the past ten years (supposedly, anyways, girls have a funny way of not counting guys). She was engaged a couple years ago and then broke it off last minute, and sounds like she"s just now getting her emotional shit back together. Back in the first period of the game she declared that I was going over to her place on Sunday to watch Sons of Anarchy, so I guess I"ll see what she"s like when she"s not loser drunk.
Regardless of what happens, I had more than a few good laughs anyways.