In Portland club promoters are really just a joke in general because the night life kind of sucks here. It happens to me all the time (and not just me, these peeps have like 3,000 friends) that some random and very metro looking guy will request to be my friend on Facebook and then invite me to a new "club" every weekend with event titles like "PLAYGROUND FRIDAY AT THE DIRTY" or "BACARDI GRAS THIS TUESDAY AT SPALSHBAR!!!!!!!!!!!" or even "DJ KOLOS B-DAY THIS SATURDAY GIRLS BE GETTIN WET & WILD AT THE SPIN BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Anyway, these parties are the tackiest things ever thought up by mankind so naturally I would never go, but I still get entertainment watching these club promoters on the fb. Usually they are SERIOUS pretty boys that dress in obnoxiously expensive looking clothes with the hair cuts and the gel and the icy watches, right? Well lately this one has been coming up on my newsfeed being tagged in all of these pictures with old friends, frienemies, whores I knew freshman year, etc., etc.
This one is too good not to share. Enjoy.