Jumping in to this thread because...why not. A warning, I make terrible decisions when dating, I know it. Hopefully you guys can save me from myself.
So I used to work with this chick, maybe 1-2 years ago. She quit about a year ago but we kept loosely in touch, still seeing each other every so often. While she worked there we flirted like crazy and there was always an attraction between us, but she had a boyfriend, he was a really good guy, even if not really a friend of mine, so I just never made a move. Fast forward to a few weeks ago. Her boyfriend broke up with her, and coincidentally my girlfriend broke up with me, which is a story I"ll save for a future post, but we still talk and see each other fairly often and I don"t know wtf is going on with that but whatever. Me and the new girl meet up for a drink or two on a Sunday, mostly just to bitch to each other about our exes etc. I end up going to see the ex that night anyway, instead of making any real moves with the new chick. New girl"s been messaging me wanting to go for breakfast, hang out for a drink, get some food, whatever. So we set something up for last night.
Go out for a nice dinner, have some wine, good food, laughs etc. End up back at my place just having a few beers and shooting the shit. Warning again, I"m retarded, I make bad decisions and I have no game. I know it. So I have no idea wtf this "date" is. Is it two friends hanging out, or is it a date? How does she see it? I decide, fuck it, I"ll just ask. She says she hadn"t really thought about it(bullshit imo), did I think it was a date? Goes back and forth for a few seconds of "What do you think? Well what do you think?" etc. Now here"s my first mistake. I should have never brought it up in the first place. If she thought it was a date, I should just kiss her and she either is down or she isn"t, question answered. I"m retarded though. So we kinda move past that part of the conversation and just get back to joking around and having a good time.
She has plans to go see a movie with a friend of hers, a dude that also coincidentally just got dumped by his gf of 7 years. He"s been making moves on this girl, but she friendzoned him hard. I feel bad for the guy, but whatever, it happens. When she asked me what I think she should do I told her to be completely honest about exactly what you think about him, not interested, etc, give him absolutely no hope of thinking it"s going to happen, or could happen in the future. He"s a friend and will never be anything more. I think it"s the kindest thing you can do tbh, so it was honest advice. I only bring this dude up to make it absolutely clear I give no shit about this dude, he has absolutely no chance.
So he"s coming to pick her up. She"s gotta leave, and I say something like "do you want it to be?". She instantly knows what I"m talking about(if it"s not clear, our thing being a date, i"m all over the place right now). She redirects, kinda afraid to take the first step I guess, asking if I want it to be. So I just said fuck it let"s go for it and kissed her, and she was down. She was like literally on her way to go put her shoes on, I waited way too long. She said she wished she didn"t have to go to the movie now, said bye and took off.
So here"s where I get retarded again. Because I fucked up and waited too long, we never really got a chance to do much beside kiss for like 10-20 seconds before she left. I want more, because I"m impatient, horny, and I always need to push for the next thing. I text her to get her friend to drop her off at my place after the movie. Big mistake imo. I should have just left it alone, maybe sent her a txt today about some random bullshit or whatever, set up a time to see her in a few days and been done with it. She never responds. Mind you, her movie"s at like 11pm, I txt her at like 12pm, and she works at 10am the next morning, so it was a long shot that she could reasonably come over after the movie anyway. What"s she going to do, get dropped off at 1:30 in the morning? It was a stupid plan, but I get stupid sometimes. So I haven"t heard back from her yet. She"s at work now, and will be for another hour or two probably, but if she"d wanted to txt me she totally could have.
What"s the plan from here? I figure, I"m just going to let her get in touch with me. If she msgs me in the next day or two cool, if not maybe I"ll call her on like thursday or something.