Girls who broke your heart thread


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Trex"s looks are the least offensive thing about her. That is not a compliment.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Erronius said:
Honestly though, that"s part of the reason that this whole escapade is lulz worthy. How many women look A+ w/o makeup? What woman has never had a bad complexion? And correct me if I"m wrong, but I didn"t think she took the pic, nor was she the one that posted it in the first place.

There are a lot of people on this forum that probably form their opinion on what "attractive" women look like from anything BUT waking up and having to see a woman in the morning with no makeup, water weight or pudge, sagging tits, stretch marks, etc. Now I know that everyone bangs fucking supermodels and everything and thatTHEIRwoman is super hawt and never uggo, but come the fuck on lol.
Your white-knighting is cute, really. "No-makeup" and "non-flattering" picture aside, you fuckers have a serious eyesight problem if you think Trex is anything above a 6. Sure, in that hideous picture she"s a 4, but even in her "better" ones, there"s no way she scores higher than a 6. If she had actual D cup breasts instead of the B she"s sportin", I might be willing to bump her to a 7.


Trakanon Raider
Drinsic said:
Which Julia Roberts picture is supposed to be scarier?
haha, no shit. Most of those chicks I don"t even find all that attractive even when they ARE made up, at least in comparison to a lot of other Hollywood type women. Never understood why anyone thinks Barrymore or Ricci are all that attractive.

I agree with the overall point Big Ern was making, although there are a lot of women that DO look amazing even when they"re not made up. Below is a perfectly good example of a normal chick with dirt on her face, a couple days in to a backcountry camping trip that IMO still looks pretty damn good. Only met her a couple times, and as far as I could tell I don"t think she even wears makeup other than some lip gloss.

Lighting of course plays a part too.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Kirun said:
Your white-knighting is cute, really. "No-makeup" and "non-flattering" picture aside, you fuckers have a serious eyesight problem if you think Trex is anything above a 6. Sure, in that hideous picture she"s a 4, but even in her "better" ones, there"s no way she scores higher than a 6. If she had actual D cup breasts instead of the B she"s sportin", I might be willing to bump her to a 7.
Confirmed internet faggot dating a supermodel right here.

You"re cute. Like a 9yo wearing his father"s shoes.


The Big Mod
Eomer said:
haha, no shit. Most of those chicks I don"t even find all that attractive even when they ARE made up, at least in comparison to a lot of other Hollywood type women. Never understood why anyone thinks Barrymore or Ricci are all that attractive.

I agree with the overall point Big Ern was making, although there are a lot of women that DO look amazing even when they"re not made up. Below is a perfectly good example of a normal chick with dirt on her face, a couple days in to a backcountry camping trip that IMO still looks pretty damn good. Only met her a couple times, and as far as I could tell I don"t think she even wears makeup other than some lip gloss.

Lighting of course plays a part too.
she has eyeliner on bro


Trakanon Raider
Turns out I"ve have a frighteningly cool intern in the next office over for the last few months. Kinda bummed she"s a co-worker and therefore off limits by any reasonable standard.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Heylel Teomim said:
Turns out I"ve have a frighteningly cool intern in the next office over for the last few months. Kinda bummed she"s a co-worker and therefore off limits by any reasonable standard.
I"m not sure that I would use the phrase "reasonable standard." I"ll go out on a limb and say that a good number of [successful] relationships are built upon the foundations of a solid work relationship. That being said, it is obviously putting yourself in a potentially awkward situation if you allow it to get awkward.

From personal experience, the best opportunities for seduction come from the daily interaction with the chick I"m pursuing. Cold calls for picking up chicks is a game I"m terrible at, but give me a chick with whom I interact every day, someone that I can quickly recognize what kind of mood she"s in and how much her significant other has pissed her off that day... well, let"s just say it"s hard to fuck that up if you know what you"re doing.

It"s all about managing expectations, never signing any blank checks (if things don"t work out blank checks make the breakup really messy), and making her repeat what it is you want her to believe (this more or less forces her to acknowledge and validate what you"re saying instead of glossing over it).


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Dandai said:
From personal experience, the best opportunities for seduction come from the daily interaction with the chick I"m pursuing. Cold calls for picking up chicks is a game I"m terrible at, but give me a chick with whom I interact every day, someone that I can quickly recognize what kind of mood she"s in and how much her significant other has pissed her off that day... well, let"s just say it"s hard to fuck that up if you know what you"re doing.
Heh, no lie here.

I used to work with a woman about 10 years older than me, but on her 3rd divorce (no way am I going near that with a 10 foot pole). But it"s very easy to gauge their feelings about you after a few days of interaction on a semi-professional level.

One day she came around the corner and looked pretty frazzled. I asked her "You need a hug?" and her reply was "Maybe from behind."



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
TheCutlery said:
One day she came around the corner and looked pretty frazzled. I asked her "You need a hug?" and her reply was "Maybe from behind."

That would give me instant wood


Trakanon Raider
Dandai said:
I"m not sure that I would use the phrase "reasonable standard." I"ll go out on a limb and say that a good number of [successful] relationships are built upon the foundations of a solid work relationship. That being said, it is obviously putting yourself in a potentially awkward situation if you allow it to get awkward.
Well yeah, I realize that"s probably an extreme way to describe it. Two very close friends of mine met at work, and they"re happily married. Universities do tend to be rather leery of office dating though, for reasons I"m sure you can guess. She"s not a student, or even a real fellow employee. She"s an intern in our office being paid through entirely separate means, so there"s not really a conflict. It"s just the risk of making things awkward at work. The good news is that her internship is nearly up, which means it wouldn"t be awkward long. The bad news is... her internship is nearly up, which means it"s now or never.

We hit it off pretty well last night due in no small part to the meddling of another co-worker, and I"m seriously considering just going for it. You can"t win if you don"t play, and all that. Compared to the rather mediocre date I went on last week, it was like night and day.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Soygen said:
That would give me instant wood
I ain"t saying it didn"t It pretty much set the tone for our relationship though. She was a bitch to people she didn"t like, friendly to people she did, but I asked around and she didn"t talk to anyone else the way she talked to me.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Heylel Teomim said:
Well yeah, I realize that"s probably an extreme way to describe it. Two very close friends of mine met at work, and they"re happily married. Universities do tend to be rather leery of office dating though, for reasons I"m sure you can guess. She"s not a student, or even a real fellow employee. She"s an intern in our office being paid through entirely separate means, so there"s not really a conflict. It"s just the risk of making things awkward at work. The good news is that her internship is nearly up, which means it wouldn"t be awkward long. The bad news is... her internship is nearly up, which means it"s now or never.

We hit it off pretty well last night due in no small part to the meddling of another co-worker, and I"m seriously considering just going for it. You can"t win if you don"t play, and all that. Compared to the rather mediocre date I went on last week, it was like night and day.
Well shit if she"s going to be gone soon anyways, what"s the issue? Even if it doesn"t turn out well you won"t have to deal with it long.

If it turns out well, you will already have that connection you won"t need the job to bring you together anymore. Sounds like a no brainer to me, go for it.


privileged excrementlord
Ser Kegkilla said:
she has eyeliner on bro
Even if she is wearing eyeliner, I"d agree with Eomer. If that"s all she has on, that girl is just naturally good looking. They do exist. I think my most recent ex falls in that category, but I"m obviously biased, so correct me otherwise. I always thought this girl would have to put a lot of effort into it to look ugly.

First pic is with some makeup, although eye shadow/liner is all I really recall her using much of. Second pic is without.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Drinsic said:
Even if she is wearing eyeliner, I"d agree with Eomer. If that"s all she has on, that girl is just naturally good looking. They do exist. I think my most recent ex falls in that category, but I"m obviously biased, so correct me otherwise. I always thought this girl would have to put a lot of effort into it to look ugly.

First pic is with some makeup, although eye shadow/liner is all I really recall her using much of. Second pic is without.
Not the best pics to judge by imo. First is ok, second is not flattering.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>

Long Story short;

Met a girl back in Feb and hit it off from the start. She is pretty damn amazing and possesses every single quality a man could want in a woman and she is head of heels for me. Things go great, flash forward to past couple weeks where I learn of a ex boyfriend that is still in her life(she describes their breakup as him doing/saying things that are unrepeatable but he now works for he parents) and she still talks him, and works with him occasionally(even picking him up/dropping him off from work). The first I learned of his guy, she never mentioned him by name or the nature of their current relationship, she just presented him as some idiot who doesnt get the message(sending her love letters bullshit like that).

First time I realize who this guy really is was after she drew me a little romantic picture and posted it on her facebook, very quickly the guy takes the picture from her page and puts it as his profile pic, saying he loves her and tags her in it. Soon as I see it I ask her wtf is going on and she quickly tells me it was "that guy" she told me was sending her love letters and wont get the picture. Now what really made me go wtf was the fact she did not immediately remove the guy from her FB. That was 3ish weeks ago and the next thing that happens is we are in the middle of watching the hunger games and she gets a text from him which she responds to mid movie(dude ends up sending her 10-15 more texts within the span of 15 minutes when she doesnt reply back). As soon as the movie lets out I say a word, she drives me home and we end up talking for a few hours in her car where she tells me this guy has ruined previous relationships of hers and that he is ruining her life(interestingly enough she hasnt removed him from FB yet nor did she after this incident). Eventually the next day she tells me shes unsure whether or not she wants to continue on as she just thinks he will come between us in the future.

Flash forward again to last thursday, where eventually we get into it again over this guy after I finished trying to tell the retard to leave her alone and he lets me know hes a psychotic idiotSpoiler Alert, click show to read:am not walking out of her life again. I made a promise and I am not breaking it. you can tell me all you want but I am not leaving her side even if that means we are just friends

I made that mistake once and it killed us but I am not doing it again. I am sorry that I fucked up and that I ruined things but I tried with ever ounce I had to make up and make things right.

She is the only real friend I have and I am not letting that go

I am sorry XXXXX but I can"t walk away from the only person who has been there for me and knows me. If you understood what and how I felt then you would understand that she means more to me than just a girlfriend more than a friend. He ends up telling me a bunch of random retarded(saying that she tells him she loves him, she sends him little romantic bullshit, they hang out all the time) lies so I naturally call her on it. Its only after this little incident about him that she finally removes him off her facebook.

Finally we come to tonight. Yesterday she was pretty distant, not wanting me to be on the phone with me at all even when she asked me to do her a favor(which I more or less assume because she had said retard with her as im 99.9% positive I overheard his voice). Well we end up spending the night together(in which her attitude was a complete 180 from earlier in the day) and while together the retard starts texting asking how to do something retarded like how to install a program. Eventually he calls her and she picks up and tells him what to do, and even tells him that she will fix whatever the problem is tomorrow if it doesnt work. For whatever reason I dont make an issue of it there and the night proceeds very good. Tonight I end up helping her at her work, and towards the end of the night she starts getting a headache. When we get home she texts me asking me if anything is wrong and I ask her about the other day how she was a night and day difference through out it and of course bring up that I think that she had said retard with her. This is all through texts and it goes on for about an hour and I ask her about all the inconsistencies/lies surrounding this dude(she said it was her cousin with her yesterday, her originally telling me he is in 3 of her classes at school when he doesnt go to school, when she has given him rides to/from work etc.). I try and ask her just who the hell this guy actually is to you and why the hell is he in your life in any capacity beyond work after the the things youve told me about him. She just responds to it all by saying I have trust issues and asks why am I with her if thats the case.

Overall I just dont know what the hell is going on, because if there is more to this she than she says, she is quite possibly the most evil person Ive ever met. To go along with that though I dont have the slightest indication that she is cheating(talk/skype all the time and are together constantly) so what this guy is in her life is a huge wtf for me. Is she just some guy she feels bad for? Does she not understand how this guy is like a dagger to any relationship? Does she just not care? With every thing she has told me about how she feels about me, him, who she is to him and what she wants out of our relationship its just one giant wtf.

On the funnier side though she blamed her headache on me lol. Said she could feel something was on my mind or was bothering me so thats what brought it on.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Well, let"s clear the air with the obvious stuff. She"s immature as fuck and has some major attention needs. This guy provides friend-zone services willingly and happily. Given the information you"ve presented, I"m not comfortable definitively saying whether or not I believe that she would ever give it up for him.

With a "normal" bitch I would say she would never put out for a groveling, pitiful loser like him, but for someone that refuses to let go of a dude like that... well, let"s just say her subconscious knows that he"s been paying it forward for quite a while now, and with her super-human need for attention it"s hard to say what she"s capable of. The fact that she readily admits that he has split up her past relationships is all the proof you should need that she places that relationship as a higher priority over her romantic relationships.

At the end of the day, you"re not going to get this dude out of her life because she"s not interested in getting this dude out of her life. You"re going to have to accept that fact and go from there. Personally, I wouldn"t be cool with a bitch who had a stage five clinger like him. I would tax that ass and move on. If you"re really convinced that this is THE ONE and a keeper, you"re going to have to get creative with your cockblocking of his communication with her (I"m sure FoH can help with this).

Not pertinent to the short term:
Spoiler Alert, click show to read:
Edit: The Not-So-Obvious-Stuff: I"m gonna go out on a limb and say that you haven"t dated/been with too many women. That"s fine; we all start somewhere. Take it from someone who felt like romantic relationships was the end-all-be-all to life... do not convince yourself that this is the perfect bitch until you"ve been with her for at least a year. If you"re as inexperienced as you present yourself, I"m sure that sounds very daunting, but trust me, you do not want to commit to someone that willeventuallymature and the dynamic of your relationshipWILLchange. To you this change will seem unexpected and over-night, but I promise you it will be a slow gradual thing and your friends will be trying to signal you that something is amiss. Your heart will be broken, and you"ll come here to tell us about it.

Ideally, rent a place and live with this chick (not now, obviously, but when it"s appropriate for the relationship) before you commit to anything serious. I haven"t run into too many old fashioned dudes these days who want to get married, then move in with their lady, but I would strongly advise against this. Count me as someone who would not be married today if I had the sense to live with my fiancee before I married her.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
TheCutlery said:
Heh, no lie here.

I used to work with a woman about 10 years older than me, but on her 3rd divorce (no way am I going near that with a 10 foot pole). But it"s very easy to gauge their feelings about you after a few days of interaction on a semi-professional level.

One day she came around the corner and looked pretty frazzled. I asked her "You need a hug?" and her reply was "Maybe from behind."

Wait. How do you kiss a girl"s forehead if you"re giving her hugs from behind?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Tenks said:
Wait. How do you kiss a girl"s forehead if you"re giving her hugs from behind?
In those instances you kiss their afthead.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Soygen said:
In those instances you kiss their afthead.
This gives me a good idea. Aamana could hug his girl from behind and kiss her afthead which leaves her pussy wide open to be fucked by another man while this is going on.