We met up talked, and agreed that what would work for her wouldn"t be fair to me, so we called it off. She actually went and talked to a counselor about it and the counselor had a lot of good reasons why we shouldn"t be together. There was apparently a lot of other things going on that she didn"t tell me about. Her father had a stroke ( I knew this part ) a few months back and he"s gone through some major personality swings and really isn"t the person he used to be. The doctor"s are estimating that he doesn"t have more than a year or so to live. They"re extremely close, so this has been particularly grueling on her. Couple that with an ex that fucked her up pretty badly and I can"t argue that she needs some time to figure herself out.
On the note of "bitches be crazy" etc, this girl has always been straight up with me when I asked, and even when I didn"t. I really have no gripes with her, the absenteeism for awhile was pretty dumb on her part, and she admitted as much. But she was smart enough to get help when I told her she needed it, and I"m actually pretty proud of her at this point. We"re not going to talk for a couple months, then probably pick it up from there if we"re interested/She"s better but I"m not holding my breathe.
I"m not sure where you guys are getting this but under no circumstance did I let her walk over me, or get away with anything. I don"t generally date women that I don"t think are worth my time (The dumb slut who cheated on me was the exception, an experiment on my part that ended in epic failure), so yea I"m giving her leeway to explain herself because you know, I actually give a shit about her. I can say with a very high degree of certainty that she isn"t doing this to bang some other dude, or because she"s lost interest. She really does have a bunch of personal shit to deal with.