No real story as POF did not exist when I was young. I am 41 and happily married after a long road to get there and I stand by everything I said. But don"t take my word for it, ask any woman who made it to 30 without therapy and they will be the first to tell you that women are fucking crazy in that age range. Ask any guy who made it to 30 without getting jail time over yoga pants and they will tell you a million stories of how they let their dick rule their judgement and the shit went bad. Exceptions exist, but if anything the whole attention whoring internet age has just amplified the crazy by giving an audience to the attention whoring part of it, whether its some crazy chick wondering who is going to rape her or some internet tough guy bragging about all the pussy he slays. Christ, Keg and Trex are a fucking case study in that shit.
TLDR Version: Experience is the best and most painful teacher.