Her name is Lauren, and I guess it"s my fault she ended up the way she did...
So back in highschool, I used to sell/use coke, ecstasy, acid, etc... Well, I meet this girl, we hit it off and we"re inseparable. I tried to keep her away from that part of my life as much as I could, because it was apparent to me that she had an addictive personality.. well she got into coke and ex but it never seemed that bad. So I go off and join the Army and straighten out and she makes it seem like she"s maturing to and easing away from the "party scene" aka drugs, because she needs to get her head straight for college. Cool, right?
Well, while I"m away, she"s not getting any better.. As it turns out, she tapped into her dads account (not sure how, but apparently her and her dad"s accounts were linked someway..not a banker so no idea how) and drains like $10k plus in the course of like 3 months and even resorts to literally sucking dick for coke. So I find out via friends and confront her, and she turns the tables and blames her addiction to coke/ecstasy on me and says she never wants anything else to do with me. But this is after I confronted her, her parents catch her stealing money, and she got arrested and court ordered to rehab.
But before all that, she was a really sweet girl, and I really did think she could have been the one... Doesn"t really hurt now, but it did then.
and here she is..she"s the one on the left in the first two...and you can figure out who she is in the others