Couldn"t figure out how to properly link your posts huh? Fucking hilarious.
Let me quote them for you:
Sharmai said:
I"ve thought about it and honestly I am not sure where I sit on that issue. My thinking on the subject is as such..
I know it"s selfish of me to enjoy my freedom but to deny hers (assuming she wanted to do the same) if I did deny hers that is.
I could be ok with it and what difference does it make if she does? The question of our relationship is based on love. Something that sex does not make nor destroy (IMO). In which case I have defined love as something that exists alongside sex but not necessarily with it. of course that excludes love-making which I define as something explicit to love. I have tried explaining the difference between sex and love so for any of you who can"t understand this I am sorry. I don"t have the vocabulary to make you understand.
Now in the first case it is purely selfishness. In all honesty I imagine if i was married say 30 years then wanting to experiment and try new things is not something I would see as a bad thing. After having been together 30 years the separation between sex and love should be distinct and obvious forallinvolved. I would not leave my marriage of 30 years if she played around a few times just to try something new. Whoever that guy is, is just a brief second in the long timelime that our relationship has existed. The memories we will have formed are as mountains compared to this fling.
So with that thought it occurs to me that I ask what is the difference between 30 years and doing it and doing it today? Besides time and the strengthening of the bond and the distinction?
In simpler yet massively understated terms.. If love is not sex then why is sex outside of marriage cheating? (And yes I ignore the wedding vows. They are just words and words can be twisted and manipulated. Love is not words it is expression.)
A pitiful diatribe about how YOU don"t think sex is equal to love. (Btw, LOL at your "well if cheating is ok 30 years into a trusting, loving relationship, it shouldn"t matter at the beginning either" argument)
Sharmai said:
Some of you are still thinking to linear.. let me try to explain why this issue is not so simple...
Conventional wisdom is those vows = trust = never lying to your fiancee about anything ever. Yet 50% of marriages fail from people who give those vows believing in them at the time.
I don"t like those odds so I decided to figure out how to improve them. The most common causes of divorce are the following...
1.) Financial
2.) Infidelity
3.) Sexual Dysfunction/Lack of Sexual Relationships-
4.) Major life changes-
I sought ways to defeat these well before I ever got married or even found anyone to commit to. I accepted that I was not a unique snowflake so simply believing i was better then everyone else and choosing to go head long into the problemwould not work.Therefore trying to understand the problem and find solutions so I could defeat it became a priority.
The first one was easy. Just work hard, graduate school, get a good job, get a savings, etc etc. I have accomplished that.
The second one is much harder. You see I can make a commitment to never cheat but that only controls myself not her. I can choose to believe that I will find that special women who doesn"t cheat ever for any reason but that 50% of marriages in this country fail. That would be me flipping a coin and believing the odds are going to land in my favor becauseI believe in it so much.
Well I was never a gambling man. So I sought to understand why people cheat and well there are a MILLION reasons. Literally everything under the sun. Never at home. Not enough fun. Just tired of the same old thing. Opportunity knocked. Was drunk. Was an old ex. blah blah blah blah. The point is with so many reasons it was pointless to attack this issue from the front. So I could either live in la la land like 50% of America and believe I would never be cheated on (like I said I don"t like those odds) or I could come to terms with the possibility of it happening and deal with it as such. I chose the latter.
That is how I came to question what cheating really means and what it really is. Simple sex just isn"t it. Simple sex will never equal spending 20 years of my life with someone and raising children together. throwing away that kind of work and effort for simple fucking sex is just.... just fucking stupid mentality.
So with that realization and the knowledge that sex is not love it should not be hard for any of you to see how I continued on to where I"m at now.
Another terribly constructed argument about how your relationship will somehow be impervious to getting destroyed by infidelity if YOU conspire to commit continuous infidelity.
Sharmai said:
If you didn"t cherry pick and ignore most of my posts you would have seen how I got from point A -> B where causing a disservice was the opposite of what I was doing. I"m feeling generous so I"ll condense it for you.
1. Marriages fail 50% of the time
2. I don"t believe in gambling my married life"s happiness at 50% odds.
3. I found the most common reasons for divorce and went forth to find solutions so as to increase my odds of marriage success.
4. The only one in a questioned state here is the 2nd most common cause of divorce "infidelity"
5. In tackling this cause I came to the following conclusions
A. It is foolish to believe I could prevent all of the possible reasons a person might cheat. I can stop myself but not my significant other.
B. It is further foolish to believe I will find the right significant one who will never cheat. Doubtless millions had believe and done the same thing. Still 50% failure rate exists.
Therefore it follows that I must examine the nature of Infidelity itself.
In that examination I found that infidelity was either sexually cheating with someone else or falling out of love (or in love with someone else). The latter issue is easily enough dealt with I just need to give proper timer, loving care, commitment, and attention to my spouse. The former can be alleviated by the aforementioned practices but again I must refer to the 50% of marriages have failed number. Such a number is so high that I must assume that infidelity exists beyond those practices.
So again it follows that I still need to solve the problem of sexually cheating and its impact on divorce.Since I cannot guarantee or rely on luck to solve this for me I choose instead to accept it as possibility and choose instead to understand how I would deal with it should it occur.
There"s no need for detailed logic on this specific point other then I came to the conclusion that sex does not equal love.
This is a major realization because it fundamentally changes how infidelity can be handled in a marriage. Point of fact it means I have another entire line of choices from which I can decide how to handle and what to do should infidelity occur.
What followed was complex but came out to this in simpler terms.
Sex without love is not cheating.
Naturally concerns of medical nature (std"s and the like) mean different outcomes but that is a given. The logic is complicated but workable.
The final part of this was "How would I feel if she were to sleep around?" which as I already mentioned in my 30 year scenario was simply a drop of water to our ocean of memories. (in other words I don"t believe it would matter to me at that point for the bond is stronger then simple sex)
I have a suggestion. Be succinct. It will help you get on in life. All you"re really doing is repeating your own belief that sex does not equal love and suggesting that since there"s a 50% chance you"ll get cheated on, you might as well enjoy yourself and cheat on her first.
Now let"s break down your argument again, with some minor revisions:
1) I don"t think sex equals love.
2) Most marriages fail because of infidelity. (Probably because they haven"t realized 1.)
3) By committing infidelity, my marriage won"t fail. (Because somehow my wife will start to believe 1) when I do it behind her back.)
4) My marriage will probably fail (so what happened to 3?) because of infidelity, so I"ll pre-emptively cheat on her.
5) My actions follow from 1) - 4) and I am clearly not being selfish/not being a douchebag/not a sociopath.
Tell me, is there any Vulcan blood in your veins? Because DAMN THAT"S SOME BULLETPROOF LOGIC...