Girls who broke your heart thread

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<Prior Amod>
Okay well back when this thread was very young I was in here and found someone and things have been good, real good actually we hit our first major bump today after 5 months or so of dating.

Her mom is a fucking waste of space, totally and completely. You aren"t allowed to have an opinion that"s different then hers, she hates the world, shes a mooch and lives off of everyone else. She quit her job to play WoW, because of it their house has been in constant foreclosure. If her husband wont work 20 hours of OT a week they would have lost it long ago. She wont do anything herself and if someone dosent refill the Mt. Dew int eh fridge for her, they are a terrible person and lazy pieces of shit. The woman is a waste of space and the world would be better off without her.

Here"s my problem.

The 4th of July is huge for my G/F"s family and after dealing with inlaws I hated for 8 years when I was married I dont care to do it again. I get along with everyone great except the mother. I refuse to bend and give to her rants and pathetic "I"m always right" attitude. I"ve been civil up till now and I refuse to bite my tongue about it anymore.

I told Crystal (the g/f) if she tried to go off on me for anything (example, I brought Wendys to their house and offered to buy some for the mother, she got pissed off at me that I didnt large size her combo or get her a large frosty when i didn"t have to get her jack shit, she actually bitched to me about it, not a single thank you for anything else) or anything, I wasn"t keeping quite anymore, I don"t roll over for anyone, I did it for my old inlaws for 8 years I wont do it again.

Now I"m to the point where I have to decide if I give on this, continue to bite my tongue and pretend to be happy and go to their 4th of July party or stick to my guns and refuse to relive past experiences with her family. We are fairly serious and I don"t see us not being together for a long time if at all.

Do I bite the bullet and go spend time with her, her son and her family.....or stay home and enjoy on my own. It may seem like a small problem but it"s been really bothering me for a few weeks now.


Avatar of War Slayer
First of all, she sounds like my mom. Almost exactly like my mom. With that said, i know my mom is a bitch, so I am going to assume your GF knows her mom is a bitch too.

Stick to your guns. Your GF will understand and if she really cares for you, she will not hold it against you. Plus, you are not part of that family yet, so no need to put up with that shit.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Kill the mother and steal her WoW account.

Seriously though...the mom is a deadbeat WoW addict? I can"t even fathom that picture in my head. What"s the baggage like on the daughter? I would refuse. Does the daughter know her mom fucking sucks?


Brad2770 said:
she cupped the back of my head and ran her fingers through my hair. The hug lasted about 20 seconds.
This sounds horrifying :O Careful with this one, she sounds really into you.

Tarrant220 said:
I don"t roll over for anyone, I did it for my old inlaws for 8 years I wont do it again.
If you get along with everyone else in the family, and if it is a big deal to her, why can"t you just go and deal with the birther? If she blows up at you, you don"t have to take it like a bitch, but you don"t have to flip the fuck out at her either, you know? In the Wendy"s example, you could just have calmly said "I was just trying to do you a favor, a simple thank you would suffice" and then leave it at that, don"t play into her games because she hates her dew-chugging, rep-grinding self.

You wouldn"t be rolling over for anyone, you wouldn"t be making a scene and most importantly, you get to spend a holiday that"s very important for your girl and her sane family members.

Oh, and shard that bitch"s purps.


<Prior Amod>
Brad--Other then her mother and in part her step father (he"s so submissive to his worthless wife it"s retarded) Everyone else is almost family....not quite yet, but pretty close.

Soygen--Yes the mother is a WoW addicted bitch. No baggage on the daughter as far as that goes, we both play Free Realms together with my kids, that is the extent of our online gaming and yes, Crystal is aware her mother is a worthless piece of shit is the rest of the family other then her step dad.

Nite--Yeah that"s something I could probably do and may very well end up doing.

And no purples to shard, she"s beyond casual, not due to the lack of hours put in, but because she"s a horrible....HORRIBLE player, bitch plays a paladin and didn"t start using seals until a few weeks ago because she didn"t think they were any good.


Bust a nut in her Frosty the next time you get her mom Wendy"s food. Don"t forget to super-size it.

If it"s important to your girlfriend and her non-mouth-breathing family members, I say you go. I personally don"t have relatives so awful I felt I could never "pander" to them, so I can"t truly relate, but not going strikes me as quite selfish. You might just avoid her the entire time. If she tries something, just fucking walk away and don"t say shit. Silence with an eye-roll is far worse to these bitches than getting riled up.


Avatar of War Slayer
niteflyx said:
This sounds horrifying :O Careful with this one, she sounds really into you.
This is the chic I dated last year (and stopped seeing my ex for). She may be into me. I dont mind, I like her. Will have to see.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Me in the background lol



Tarrant I think it is possible to be dominant and also respectful at the same time. I think changing any plans (eg not goin to party that you otherwise would go to) to avoid her is a collosal mistake. You can"t avoid her your entire life. And if you don"t address it now, it will be harder and harder to later. I think the best route is to teach her how to talk to you. Not exactly easy though.

People generally only treat people in ways that they think they can get away with. Remember way back in high school some of the assholes would terrorize some teachers, but with a select 1 or 2 (usually men) they shut their mouth?

Just be normal until another wendys incident comes up. When she flips out, treat it like your younger sister has gotten out of line and you need to correct her. Say something like "whoa whoa hold on. I went out of my way to do you a favor to be nice. You don"t have to like it but NO ONE talks to me that way. I am respectful to you, and you will be respectful to me." say it with absolute certainty and talk as if god I"d speaking through your body.

It"s really hard and awkward to talk to an elder with a ton of authority, but just picture how you are with a younger sibling or people at work who are below you. For me, my chest is usually puffed out and I seem to grow 2 inches in my mind. Use only words of certainty. Things like "I want you to be more respectful to me" implicitly give her the option to choose not to. If you demand it in a respectful way, everyone will appreciate you standing up for yourself and not taking shit, and even she will like you more for it. I"m always afraid to do something like that but everytime I have, the person ends up liking me more even if they are worthless and crazy.

There is no one on earth who doesn"t like a guy who has the balls to (respectfully) stand up for himself like that. I think it"s the only option, and if you don"t address it in this way, you are in for a long frustrating life. It"s essential to keep in mind that the way you speak is gonna be 95% of the message. Use only words of certainty and speak slowly and loudly. Pump yourself up beforehand if you need to. And to reassure yourself remember people 100% WILL like you more after you do it, even the mom.

Good luck. Bitch mom really fuckin sucks. I hate the roulette game that is a significant others" family.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I agree with Alcestis and Dabamf on the bitch-mom situation. It seems like you"ve handled her pretty well so far. Just keep your cool, and if the seemingly inevitable confrontation(s) happen, you can tell her off just don"t yell or swear.


Molten Core Raider
Dabamf said:
Have you hung out 4 days straight? That is ultra dangerous, especially at the beginning. If you are really just awesome together you can get away with being around more frequently, but it"s a death sentence if you aren"t unavailable at times doing other things with friends or family. Don"t lose your individuality. It"s bad alone, but losing your individuality also has the added bonus of stripping you completely of any attractive qualities. Even if every day you BOTH can"t wait to see each other and want to ignore other activities or friends, taking time off anyway is essential. I kinds equate it to listening to a new song you like over and over. You may wanna hit repeat but if you keep doing it you pretty quickly grow to dislike the song.
No, it wasn"t for 4 days straight. But close.
Fri -> she stayed with me over the night,
Sat -> met in the afternoon, stayed at her place for the night,
Sun -> left around noon and went to work, talked a bit on the phone when I came back
Mon -> met at her place to talk and stay overnight
Tues -> met in the evening and she stayed at my place. again, talking mainly.

She has a day off today where she will take care of some stuff like hobbies, running errands, while I"m at work. Sucks she"s probably still asleep in my bed while I"m sitting here <strike>browsing the net</strike> working hard.
We will meet tonight, then go climbing with friends tomorrow (it"s really great to have a hobby both are into), maybe hang out with those people afterwards. Going to see what happens on the other days of the weekend (thursday is a holiday here so we have 4 days basically).

We both agreed to slowly grow into the relationship. We also both know that having friends outside those we both share is important.

She"s really into me it seems. She came to my place last night just to sleep next to me and wake up next to me, no sex involved (though I wouldn"t have minded that, but at 35 I"m well past the age where everything you think about is sticking your dick into your girl). She drove 15 miles or so to meet at the climbing gym, noticed she had forgotten something important at home, drove back to pick it up, and then drove those 15 miles again. She could have just said "fuck it" and stayed at her place instead. But she preferred to be around me.

It"s the best feeling ever to wake up next to her. Watching her sleep makes me really happy

She made a comment about my entertainment setup last night, to which I replied that I have no real desire for video games any more since ~3 months. She proposed to have a gaming evening some day. Talked a bit about the good old Atari VCS days, how graphics weren"t important at all, that sometimes the simpler games are more fun, etc. - I swear this girl comes straight from heaven.

I am aware we"ve been hanging out almost every day, but often it was only for 2 hours or so (plus the time spent sleeping, but that"s pretty passive). It"s going to regulate itself after this weekend anyway. We both work full time, and will give each other enough freedom to take care of our friends and hobbies. We both don"t want to fuck it up by sitting on top of each other too much.

We also seem to be of a very similar mindset concerning life in general. When we made plans for tonight, I said if she wanted to go out that would be fine, but she said she"s past that phase, and while it"s fun once or twice a year it"s not something she needs to have all the time.

God damn she really looks more and more like the perfect deal, the more I find out about her.
Good for you bro, sounds like things are moving along fine... don"t fuck it up with the l-word. Why do something that may fuck up what you already have? Just go with the flow.
She drove 15 miles or so to meet at the climbing gym, noticed she had forgotten something important at home, drove back to pick it up, and then drove those 15 miles again.
I have nothing to add other than to notice this cultural difference. She drove a whole 15 miles for you?!?!?!?! That"s love man, that"s love.


Molten Core Raider
GrobbeeTrull2.0 said:
I have nothing to add other than to notice this cultural difference. She drove a whole 15 miles for you?!?!?!?! That"s love man, that"s love.

Point being, we were in my town already and she drove back to her place to get something, late at night, and came back. She could have just said "you can come to my place instead" or "ah well. I have to go home and will see you some other day". It"s not like we live far apart, but it"s still about 1hour to get there and back here in total if you include a quick hop in the shower.

Anyway, she bought a bed today (had a mattress on the floor so far, which is enough anyway). I"ll help build it tonight, and then it will have to be tested.


I wanted to save my 2000th post for something special. So here is a girl I hooked up with about 3 years ago, climbing backwards onto the bed.